Design effective committed giving strategies which are tailored to specific income generating products, including lottery, legacy, regular giving and in memory; project manage the end-to-end delivery of impactful multi-channel campaigns which deliver agreed results. Lead on the Legacy marketing campaign, working collaboratively with all departments across Income Generation- to raise awareness of legacy giving (internally and externally) and increase legacy pledges from supporters. Explore and implement digital marketing opportunities, testing creative content and messaging, to reach new audiences and engage our wider community. Make robust, evidence-based plans and targets; setting, reporting on and achieving/exceeding acquisition targets across the product portfolio. Use business intelligence and other audience data to maximise results and efficient use of funds. Line management responsibility for the Lottery Administrator: conducting regular 1:1s, annual appraisal and objective setting aligned to our core competencies framework and identifying development opportunities for staff to fulfil their potential. Take the lead in drafting the annual committed giving recruitment plans and expenditure budgets across products, in line with strategic direction of the organisation and available evidence and insight. Work collaboratively with colleagues across the Fundraising & Communications directorate to ensure the supporter experience is at the heart of all decisions making and achieves the best outcomes for the hospice Ongoing monitoring and day to day management of the budget, flagging any issues and reforecasting at least on a quarterly basis. Work closely with Finance to prepare the monthly financial reporting for the Gambling Commission, ensuring high levels of accuracy. Produce weekly/monthly statistical reports for Finance and Head of Fundraising. Ensure that our marketing and acquisition for the lottery adheres to the stringent requirements of the Gambling Commission, ensuring we are never in breach of our Lottery License conditions. Across all products, ensure that we are adhering to Fundraising Regulator, GDPR, Advertising and Marketing laws and guidance for all activity. Be responsible for the day to day management of fundraising agency relationships, including delivering (refresher) training, key messaging and risk assessment as appropriate. Represent St Margaret's at relevant sector bodies, including the Hospice Lotteries Association and Lotteries Council and attend and participate in appropriate development opportunities to the benefit our income streams. From time-to-time support and attend hospice fundraising and community engagement events