To provide assistance and support to farms during labour intensive operations and to contribute towards the final product - maximum numbers of high quality hatching eggs with high hatchability.
* To gain a full understanding of poultry in MP.
* Contribute to that department/ add value by developing requisite skills in this area in line with MP competency framework.
* To work in a manner that actively seeks to reduce any negative environmental impact in relation to the processes and procedures operating within their area and across the wider business e.g. reduction of waste, recycling etc.
* To provide support as part of the Service Team or on an individual basis in the following roles: Chick placement, Needle vaccinations, Bird grading and weighing, Flock transhipment, Egg collecting, including all associated duties, General housekeeping e.g. grass cutting, Delivery work, Taking bloods and Site preparation to include cleaning the control room areas and General Purpose block.
* To ensure that all Biosecurity procedures are adhered to.
* To report any problems with regard to the stock e.g. possible disease trouble to the farm management.
* To report to the farm management any problems that may compromise Health and Safety resulting in a possible danger to themselves or others. Members should follow all COSHH and Risk Assessment documentation provided and have read the Company Health & Safety policy.
* To have no other involvement outside of Moy Park with other bird species including domestic poultry and cage birds.