The Northamptonshire Gender Identity Service is one part of a national service of 7 NHS England commissioned clinics that service users can access from across the country.
This post is for a Consultant Clinical Psychologist to provide overall clinical leadership for Clinical Psychology and therapy services within Northamptonshire Gender Identity Services. They will have responsibility for delivery of Clinical Psychology and Therapy care within the gender service, strategically supporting the managerial and clinical leadership in developing the service, specifically the Clinical Psychology and Therapy streams.
The post holder will provide expertise in relation to neurodiversity, undertaking clinical assessments, diagnosing of Gender Incongruence/Dysphoria, assessing complex capacity and consent issues and supporting the surgical assessment process
They will be a senior leader and member of the multi-disciplinary service, working with Assistant Psychologist, Consultant Psychiatrists, Consultant Endocrinologist, General Practitioners,, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Speech and Language Therapy.. The role will be involved in the development of future strategic directions of Clinical Psychology and Therapy streams and be a senior leader within the Specialist and Secured Services Senior Management Team.
NHFT is an integrated primary care and mental health Trust, providing physical, mental health and specialty services in both hospital settings and out in the community. Because we put the person at the centre of all we do, we focus on delivering care that is as easy to access as possible. This means many of our services can be provided at home, work or in schools. We also provide health services to various prisons and detention centres in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
NHFT promotes a culture of learning to improve the care and safety of our patients and staff, which focuses on people who enable our Trust to be ‘outstanding’ by supporting opportunity, innovation, development and growth.
For further information on the advertised role, please refer to the job description located under the Supporting Documents heading. The full person specification can be accessed under the ‘About You’ Section of the document.