To provide expertise in Nephrology and general paediatrics, safeguarding and any other chosen subspecialty interest. To share responsibility for the delivery of high-quality care to patients presenting to the Paediatric unit To support the clinical decision making of junior medical doctors, nursing staff and specialist nurses To provide on-call support for Paediatrics and to attend the Department out-of-hours as per agreed protocols; to remain contactable and available when on-call To provide for as long as it is required, an outpatient service at a peripheral hospital in the county To provide conditions for improved training opportunities in line with national and local recommendations and GMC Trainee Survey Feedback To take a full role in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, including clinical meetings and tutorials. Undergraduate medical student teaching is organised through the Gloucestershire Clinical Academy, part of the University of Bristol Where agreed, to act as Clinical or Educational Supervisor to junior and middle grade medical staff, being responsible for their appraisal and personal development planning To support learning and development of Physicians Assistants and other allied professionals including Paramedics when in the Department The Trust subscribes to a wide range of journals and there are good medical libraries at both Gloucester and Cheltenham with full literature search facilities. The department is part of a Trust wide intranet system and is well served for literature search and other internet functions To keep Good Clinical Practice training up to date for as long as participating in clinical research