Working with care experienced young people leaving care to provide support, advice, guidance, assistance, and counselling, with the aim of enhancing or protecting individual welfare.
Own vehicle and willingness to travel is essential
* To manage a caseload, develop and monitor and review Pathway Plans of support and interventions in agreement with the service user.
* Respond to requests for support and assistance, taking sufficient basic information about the needs in question to be able to determine the level and type of assessment required.
* Participate in completing Pathway Assessments in a timely manner and in partnership with young people, carers, social workers etc.
* Ensure that Pathway Assessments and Plans pay particular attention to individual strengths, areas for further development and action plan for moving onto independence; ensuring that the views of the young people as well as the relevant professionals are recorded explicitly in the assessments/plans.
* Ensure that Pathway assessments/plans are holistic and address all the relevant user categories.
* All IT equipment must be collected on the first day of engagement at Priory House, Shefford and returned in the same condition it was given on the last working day to Priory House, Shefford. If this cannot be returned in person it must be returned suitable packaged, by tracked courier within 1 week of the assignment ending.