Job summary
Drs Rahman & Payne are seeking a Salaried (with a view to Partnership) working 6-8 sessions per week in our forward thinking Practice. We are a high QOF achieving Practice in the canal town of Stone, positioned near to motorway links between Stafford and Stoke-on-Trent. We are innovative in our structure and operation and would welcome the addition of a salaried doctor to compliment our team, with opportunities for the post-holder to contribute to new ideas and future ways of working as we continue to adapt to the changes within Primary Care.
Our financial package is highly competitive in salary with some flexibility in both hours and duties. Only limited home visiting required. We use EMIS Web clinical system and are committed to continuing professional and practice development.
Main duties of the job
We would expect the candidate would continue with the Practice ethos of good quality patient care.
We are innovative in our structure and operation and would welcome the addition of a salaried doctor to compliment our team, with opportunities for the post holder to contribute to new ideas and future ways of working as we continue to adapt to the changes within Primary Care.
The package:-
* Highly competitive salary; Full Indemnity Cover; Full NHS Pension; 6 weeks annual leave + Bank Holidays; 15 minute appointments - seeing up to 26 patients per day; weekly CPD sessions; Minimal home visits required.
We are pleased to offer Tier 2 visa sponsorship for eligible candidates.
Informal enquiries welcome please email
About us
We have a very enthusiastic and well skilled Practice team both clinically and administratively.
Our Practice team consists of:-
2 Partners
4 x Salaried 's
2 x Advance Nurse Practitioners
2 x Practice Nurses
1 x Health Care Assistant
2 x Phlebotomist
We also benefit from a Clinical Pharmacist; First Contact Physiotherapist; Urgent Care Practitioner; Community Link Advisor & 2 x Mental Health Practitioners input via our close links with our neighbouring Partner Practices with Stone & Eccleshall Primary Care Network.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Salaried GP Job Description
Reports to: Hours:Negotiable
The Partners (clinical) Salary:Dependent upon experience
The Practice Manager (administration)
Job Summary:
The post-holder will manage a caseload, consulting withpatients in person or remotely and will investigate, diagnose and manageappropriately whilst providing a high standard of medical care.
Clinical Responsibilities:
1. In accordance with agreed scheduling, thepost-holder will be available to undertake consultations directly with patientsin person, by telephone, online or by video link. Consultations will usually beconducted from the surgery premises, unless a home visit is required or remoteaccess has to be used.
2. Deal with queries and administrative tasksrelating to the post-holder's consultations, investigations and managementplans.
3. Make decisions in a professional and autonomousmatter relating to presenting problems, including those referred from otherhealthcare professionals in the organisation.
4. Primary prevention screening for disease as peridentifiable risk factors.
5. Encourage patient self-care and healtheducation.
6. Completion of outstanding patient tasks relatingto the Quality Outcome Framework (QOF), including facilitating further planningfor these where this does not relate directly to the presenting problem.
7. Communicating a management plan to each patient,whilst following practice protocols and national guidelines as appropriate.
8. Refer to other care providers as appropriate,maintaining clinical responsibility until accepted by the third party
9. Discharge patients from their caseload when aclinical episode is complete, and keep patients on their caseload when there isa clinical need for ongoing review.
10. Record medical records clearly andcontemporaneously to an acceptable standard for each patient encounter.
11. Collect data for practice and personal auditpurposes.
12. Provide all prescriptions electronically fromthe clinical system whenever possible.
13. Prescribein accordance with the local formulary whenever possible.
14. In general, the post-holder will be expected toundertake the normal duties and responsibilities associated with a GP workingwithin primary care.
Other Organisational Responsibilities:
15. Awareness of and compliance with all relevantpractice policies and guidelines.
16. Commitment to self improvement and learning,including audit and appraisal.
17. Contribute to clinical standard setting withinthe organisation and the practice of evidence based medicine.
18. Code relevant data into the patient record tofacilitate patient care, accurate summaries and data searching.
19. Attend training and events organised by thepractice or other parties at the request of the practice.
20. Discuss with appropriate members of the practiceteam how policies, standards and guidelines may affect their own work.
21. It is expected that all staff respect patientprivacy during the handling and collection of personal information relating totheir health and other matters.
22. Maintain the strict confidentiality of anyinformation or material to which the post-holder has access within theorganisation, including but not limited to the practice staff, patients, theircarers, other healthcare workers or the organisation itself. Such informationmay only be divulged to authorised persons in accordance with practice policiesrelating to confidentiality and the protection of personal and sensitive data.
Health and Safety Responsibilities:
23. The post-holder will manage their own health andsafety and that of others in accordance with practice protocols and infectioncontrol policies when carrying out their role.
24. Advise other members of the practice teamregarding health and safety matters when required to do so.
25. Be familiar with personal security systemswithin the workplace and use these where appropriate.
26. Provide advice on the correct and safe handlingand labelling of specimens including choice of containers and their storage.
27. Correct personal use of Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE) and advice to other staff and patients regarding the same, dependingupon the clinical setting and risk.
28. Ensure infection control measures are followedin both routine, emergency and extraordinary circumstances ( pandemic orindividual infection circumstance).
29. Practice personal hand hygiene to the requiredstandards and encourage the same in others.
30. Manage directly all incidents of accidentalexposure.
31. Bring any concerns regarding health and safetywithin the organisation to the attention of the person responsible.
32. Identify any risks involved in work activitiesand take actions to mitigate those risks where possible.
33. Keep up to date with knowledge and skills,making use of self-directed or practice based training when available.Facilitate the training of others within the organisation.
34. Monitoring and maintaining practice facilitiesand equipment relating to infection control so that they meet the needs of asatisfactory clinical working environment.
35. Safe management of sharps use, storage anddisposal.
36. Maintain a clean and safe working environment inall areas of the workplace.
37. Identify, report and make safe any health andsafety or infection hazards immediately once recognised.
38. Be familiar with and use correct wastemanagement measures for handling, segregation and disposal of hazardousmaterial.
39. Keep up to date with safeguarding standardsincluding training requirements, local contacts and procedures for escalatingconcerns. Promote the welfare of children and adults at risk.
Equality and Diversity Responsibilities:
40. Support equality, diversity and rights of all individuals
41. Follow practice procedures and policies andcurrent legislation relating to people's rights
42. Respect the privacy, dignity, needs and beliefsof all individuals.
43. Behaving in a manner which is welcoming to andof the individual, be non-judgemental and respect their circumstances, feelings, beliefs and rights.
Personal and Professional Development:
44. The post-holder will maintain their personal andprofessional development needs through education, including learning events,course or self-directed learning in accordance with their needs and PersonalDevelopment Plan agreed at their annual appraisal for Revalidation.
45. Participate in individual performance reviewswithin the organisation as frequently as is required (at least annually as aminimum).
46. Take responsibility for their own development,learning and performance whilst demonstrating skills and activities to otherswho are undertaking similar work.
47. Be aware of and work within their own clinicalcompetencies, seeking help from other members of the practice team orappropriate professionals when necessary.
Quality Requirements:
48. Provide high quality, evidence based healthcareto patients as part of the practice team.
49. Alert other team members to issues of qualityand risk
50. Assess own performance and take responsibilityfor own actions, either directly or under supervision of others.
51. Contribute to the effectiveness of the practiceby reflecting upon their own and team activities and constructively offersuggestions on ways to improve and enhance performance of themselves, others orthe team as a whole.
52. Work effectively with other members of thepractice team and other agencies to meet patient needs and provide qualityhealth care.
53. Effectively manage their time, workload andresources.
54. Recognise the importance of effectivecommunication with patients, the practice team and relevant third parties.
55. Communicate effectively with other team membersin the most appropriate and timely manner.
56. Communicate effectively with patients, theirfamily and/or carers or advocates.
57. Recognise an individual's need for alternativemethods of communication and respond accordingly.
Person Specification
58. Fully qualified General Practitioner
59. n/a