The post holder is required to discharge statutory social care functions on behalf of the organisation and to uphold the standards outlined in the Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Work. As such, they are required to undertake complex and proportionate assessments that are evidence-based. Examples include mental capacity assessments and health and social care assessments of people who have a variety of needs that may create a high level of risk to their wellbeing. The post holder is also required to arrange and review the delivery of social care support. Wherever possible the post holder is required to support people to take risks in complex situations so that their outcomes and wishes are promoted. The post holder is also required to undertake safeguarding investigations and consider decisions made in a persons best interest that may deprive them of their liberty. The post holder needs to be accountable for; Their actions or omissions. Promote and uphold the privacy, dignity, rights, health and wellbeing of people who use health and care services and their carers, at all times. Work in collaboration with colleagues to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe and compassionate healthcare, care and support. Communicate in an open and effective way to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of people who use health and care services and their carers. Strive to improve the quality of care and support through continuing professional development Uphold and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. To be legally literate with the Care Act 2014, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Human Rights Act 1998. To have a good understanding of the Mental Health Act 1983 and its subsequent amendments and the Children Act 1989. To have an awareness of national policy and guidelines and how these should be used in practice. Preparing legal documents for court and representing the organisation in a court setting. DEPARTMENTAL POSITION The post holder will be accountable to their line manager, who in turn will be accountable to the service or locality manager. The post holder will be employed in the Adult Social Care service. 4. SCOPE AND RANGE Social workers primarily work with people in complex situations. Complex is defined as - unpredictable or ambiguous situations where the person may be resistant, coerced or a significant risk to self and others. These situations are often time-consuming owing to the multiple factors that have led the person to becoming socially excluded. Decisions require proportionality and analysis of many different views and factors, such as psychological, biological, legal, environmental and economical. Livewell Southwest is fully committed to an integrated health and social care workforce which operates a shared skills model, whilst adhering to the core principles of the social work profession. MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibility for People Management Supervise and or train students and colleagues as and when required to ensure their practice is safe and professional. Provide supervision on a 1:1 basis or through peer supervision as and when required to ensure practice is safe and professional. Support the delivery of induction training for new staff within the service as and when required to ensure practice is safe and professional. Responsibility for financial and or physical resources Responsibility for the occasional short-term security of a persons cash, legal documentation or valuable items e.g. house keys until they can be securely deposited. Duty to consider best value option when planning for peoples care and support.Responsibility for administration Plan and organise day-to-day work using an online calendar, recording systems, and workload management tools that are available on the intranet in accordance with departmental guidelines. Ensure records are timely, kept up-to-date, accurate and used in accordance with the GDPR and organisational guidelines. Have a good understanding of the various computer programmes essential for the completion of daily work, such as Microsoft office. Arrange and plan meetings with colleagues and or people who use services and be willing to chair them if required. Responsibility for people who use our services Maintain contact with people who use our services either face-to-face, telephone or assistive technology such as video links and conference calls. Design, implement and review care and support plans, which may involve the input of other professionals and disciplines. Work to a number of protocols and procedures such as lone working, risk management and health and safety. Complete carers assessments and seek feedback from people who use the service. Learning some basic clinical skills to enable the undertaking of holistic assessments and liaison with the multi-disciplinary team. Take an asset-based approach, including signposting to universal services, advice and information and considering the persons links and integration with their community and services such as advocacy. Duty of candour and supporting people to make complaints if they wish too. Increased level of responsibility and autonomy in relation to analysing and making professional judgements, informed by practice experience and underpinned by theory and best practice guidance. Ability to work independently, utilising knowledge and skills with regular support from management, work is managed rather than supervised. Ability to act following broad policies and regulations, working within guidelines and protocols, utilising monthly supervision. Responsibility for implementation of policy and or service developments Contribute ideas and advocate on behalf of the people who use our service towards the development and implementation of policies and or services. Work in other teams and across the organisation in order to support organisational demands and pressures. Represent the team organisation on planning or developmental groups as and when required. A flexible and adaptable approach to organisational change. Other Responsibilities Correct use of computer hardware and software, security, processing and generating information; creating, updating and maintaining information databases. Awareness of current social care research trends and to take part in development activities, such as Safeguarding Adult Reviews. COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS Maintain positive working relationships and communicate clearly with team colleagues, line manager, other professionals, people who use our service and their families or carers which may include highly sensitive issues. Listen to and work in partnership with the people who use our services and families and carers. Maintain professional conduct and communicate clearly when faced with competing demands and in situations that are potentially highly emotive, such as being challenged by families or other professionals. Present evidence-based decisions and judgements about potentially complex and ambiguous situations in a manner fit for the audience. This includes writing court reports, explaining legal requirements to people and their families and projecting social work values in a multi-disciplinary setting. PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF THE JOB Travel between different offices to attend meetings. Visit people at home, community setting, hospital, care home or prison. Visiting people in their own homes may be prejudicial to health and wellbeing. Some visits may be out of county and on occasion may require an overnight stay. Protective equipment may be required such as gloves and facemask in certain settings. Sitting at a computer either in office or remote working. Take pro-active steps to maintain self-care and resilience.