Healthwatch NorfolkTrustee
Healthwatch Norfolk islooking for new trustees to help it to continue running efficientlyand be fit for purpose as it continues its work gathering the viewsof the public about health and social care. This feedback is thenshared with decision-makers to help shapeservices.
We are looking for Trustees with anunderstanding of health and social care along with a knowledge ofthe current challenges facing the sector, and also those withcommercial experience. We would like to enhance the diversity ofour Board and are particularly, but not exclusively interested inhearing from people with an understanding of refugees/asylumseekers, research, and both adult and children’s socialcare.
We need people who havethe drive, energy and enthusiasm to ensure that the views andexperiences of the people of Norfolk are at the forefront ofcommissioning and delivering health and social careservices.
The role is voluntary, but traveland subsistence expenses will be paid. The time commitment is aminimum of 1 day per month.
If you are interestedin the above role please email by clicking on the 'fast apply'button and we will email you the information pack. Please noteapplications will need to be received by email no later than 12noon on 14th March 2025. Applications will only be accepted byemail. All applications will be acknowledged. All informationreceived will be treated as confidential and only used for thepurposes of election as a Healthwatch NorfolkTrustee.
Suite 6, The OldDairy
Elm Farm ,NorwichCommon
Charityregistration 1153506