The following sets out the main duties and responsibilities of the post holder. The list is not exhaustive and the post holder may be required from time to time to carry out tasks or responsibilities not listed, but which are appropriate to the banding of the role. Capital Programme Operational lead on the financial management of the Health Boards Capital Programme, incorporating both Welsh Government funded schemes and Discretionary schemes. Provide expert financial input (Capital Expenditure and capital charges) into production of Business Justification Cases, Outline Business Cases and Full Business Cases. Monitor all capital spend and achievement against the Health Boards Capital Resource Limit (CRL) Target, and provide spend reports to Executive Capital Management Group and Welsh Government (via monitoring returns). Liaise closely with VAT advisors and HMRC on the VAT implications of capital schemes and ensure appropriate recovery of VAT. Provide financial support to the Capital Planning and Estates team on capital issues including being involved in project teams and capital monitoring meetings, and provide expert advice on capital accounting matters. Provide financial input into the Capital elements included within the IMTP, and advise accordingly. Assess the cash implications and phasing of the capital programme, liaising with the Treasury Accountant to ensure appropriate call-down of the CRL. Accounting for Capital Assets Operational lead for the accounting of fixed assets (including donated and government granted assets) and capital charges within the Health Board. Ensure compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on accounting for capital assets, including the valuation and life of assets and provide expert advice on such matters within the Health Board. Assess the capital charge implications of investments, disposals, and change of valuation and/or life of assets and record appropriately within the Fixed Assets System and the financial ledger. This includes the appropriate assessment of impairments and reversal of impairments as required within accounting standards and Manual of Accounts. Operational lead on accurate and timely completion and submission of capital charge estimates, and other capital charge exercises, to the Welsh Government, and manage the UHBs capital charges budgets. Provide timely input into the Annual Accounts and process, in particular the completion of notes relating to fixed assets and impairments. Liaise with Internal and External Auditors, ensuring appropriate information is available when required, any queries are answered, and any recommendations implemented. Provide expert input into setting policies and procedures as they relate to Capital Expenditure and Fixed Assets, and ensure processes are consistent with those policies and procedures. Ensure systems for maintaining asset registers and calculating capital charges are fit for purpose, and liaise with system providers regarding any upgrades required to comply with accounting standards or revised guidance. Liaise with the District Valuer on the 5 yearly revaluation of land and buildings, as agreed by Welsh Government, and when new assets are brought into use, and ensure these are reflected appropriately within the asset system and financial ledger. Maintain IFRS16 leases records and reporting using the Prolease system. Liaising with WG for additional funding and reporting capital charges associated with the leases. Represent the Health Board on all-Wales capital accounting groups, providing expert advice as required, and feedback as appropriate to the Finance Manager, Head of Finance and other interested parties. Staff Management Line manager for staff, including the management of leave and sickness in accordance with Health Board policies and procedures. Setting objectives and monitoring how those objectives are being met. Responsible for performance management of staff, including undertaking appraisals in accordance with Health Board policy, ensuring the staff have up to date development plans and that such plans are actioned appropriately. Provide leadership and guidance to staff where necessary for the performance of their roles. Ensure that staff are working to core competencies, including those associated with mandatory training, which are regularly assessed and appropriate to the service in line with Health Board and Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) requirements. Ensure all appropriate Health and Safety requirements are observed within the Capital team, in particular those relating to ergonomics given the extensive use of computer equipment required to perform their duties. Member of the senior management team within the Financial Accounts, Capital and Systems Section. Authorised signatory for expenses and on-line bank transactions. Adhere to UHB policies and suggest changes to and implement accounting policies and financial procedures within own area, and redesign policies and procedures which have an impact in other areas across the Health Board. You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac.