KEY DUTIES The following duties will be performed after supervised training with a registered Biomedical Scientist. All duties must be performed and comply with agreed departmental policies and procedures. Technical Undertake manual, semi-automated and fully automated laboratory investigations on a rotational basis through all sections within the department as required. Follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) and participate in the regular review and update of SOPs. Ensure that equipment is used in accordance with Departmental policies and suppliers instructions. Undertake routine and more complex maintenance on laboratory instruments, carry out appropriate internal maintenance procedures and maintain maintenance records. Plan and organise a workload which can be varied and complex. This involves completion of on-going work, together with new work, which can be interspersed with urgent specimens. These activities are required to meet the demands of the department Undertake technical validation of the complex results from laboratory investigations ensuring accuracy and precision as specified by laboratory protocols. Measure and monitor the accuracy and precision of laboratory investigations using appropriate quality control procedures. Carry out corrective action or inform senior staff when the quality control procedures indicate loss of performance. Prepare reagents required for analysers and manual laboratory investigations and to record reagent batch numbers and maintain a reagent audit trail. Report any instance or event which may cause a service delivery failure to the Senior Biomedical Scientists. Record and monitor data from non-analytical equipment e.g. water purity from water systems, decontamination records for centrifuges, fridge and freezer temperatures etc. Scientific Undertake method and laboratory instrument evaluation as directed by senior laboratory staff. Take appropriate action should the quality assurance systems be outside acceptable limits. Perform External Quality Control and be aware of the external QC performance for the section. Carry out the agreed internal quality control procedures associated with any specific procedure. Perform internal quality control checks, as directed by a senior member of staff, on work performed elsewhere within the laboratory. Diagnostic Use interpretative skills to determine accurately the clinical significance of results of laboratory tests, for example, by: Preparing, examining and reporting of specimens which require highly developed physical skills requiring a high degree of hand/eye co-ordination. Performing molecular diagnostic tests Microscopy: reporting Gram films (presence of bacteria and cells), Cerebro Spinal Fluid and Urines (presence of infection indicators), Faeces (presence of parasites) Interpret diagnostic laboratory results and take appropriate actions i.e. Authorisation of results Adding technical comments Making decisions for further testing Referring results for a second opinion Informing the requestor/medical staff of clinically significant results so appropriate action may be taken. Communication Communicate results verbally to persons authorised to receive them in a clear and concise manner following appropriate policies and procedures. Provide advice and information to laboratory, ward, GP staff and patients regarding samples and sample handling including information on appropriate tests and collection conditions for in-house, referred and infrequently requested tests. Deal with result queries where information may be conflicting and difficult to understand. Book patients for Infertility investigations, requiring tact and sensitivity. Communicate any relevant information to laboratory colleagues within the section and inform effectively at hand over. Actively participate in departmental meetings, team briefings, educational and audit meetings as appropriate. Bring to the attention of Microbiology Consultant staff any result or finding that, either according to relevant SOPs or according to the experience and judgment of the BMS, may require urgent clinical intervention. Bring to the attention of Infection Control staff any results or findings that may require their specialist input, according to relevant SOPs or according to the experience and judgment of the BMS. Other Duties Maintain appropriate stock levels within the section following appropriate policies and procedures under the direction of the section leader. Ensure that equipment is used in accordance with departmental policies and suppliers instructions and is maintained correctly. Notify equipment/general building fitting failures to the appropriate senior member of staff. Take appropriate action if there is a spillage of body fluids or hazardous chemicals in order to minimise the risk to staff and public. All staff have a responsibility to report any risks, clinical and non-clinical accidents and incidents/potential incidents promptly and to co-operate with any investigations undertaken. Understand and be aware of and act in accordance with all appropriate National and Trust Health & Safety policies, COSHH regulations and should be aware of the trained first aiders within the department. Observe the immunisation policy of the Laboratory/Trust. CLINICAL & PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Maintain Registration with Health Care Professions Council. (HCPC). Adhere to the codes of conduct expected by the HCPC and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. Demonstrate competency in order to work autonomously on a 24/7 pattern and maintain expertise necessary to carry out specialised procedures during rotation through the laboratory. Keep the workplace and work benches clean and tidy. Maintain good working relations with all members or staff and to promote effective teamwork. Maintain and promote the professional image of the Pathology, STHK and SOHT. Maintain an up to date and current continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio and to maintain knowledge of professional and scientific advances and developments providing suggestions for implementation as appropriate. Attend educational and training courses either for personal development or as required by the department. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES Comply with the local and national policies for safe, secure and confidential processing and storage of patient and other laboratory information. Use the Pathology Computer Systems according to the authorised protocols. Enter own results and those obtained by others into the Pathology Computer System. Check and correct if necessary, information input by other laboratory staff. Maintain the integrity and accuracy of laboratory databases. Use Trust wide IT systems as appropriate following trust policies, guidelines and procedures. Assist in the audit of data held on the pathology laboratory information system. Ensure that records are kept up to date and stored safely to ensure compliance with good work practices required for the standards of UKAS ISO:15189 Comply with good laboratory practices required for the standards of UKAS ISO:15189 including Health and Safety. Undertake work file management to ensure that reporting of results are carried out in a timely fashion. TEACHING & TRAINING RESPONSBILITIES Assist the Senior Biomedical Scientists with training, development and competence assessment of trainee Biomedical Scientists, Medical Laboratory Assistants and locum staff. Assist the Senior Biomedical Scientists with the training of Junior Microbiology Medical staff in Microbiological techniques. Assist the Senior Biomedical Scientists with the supervision of Medical Laboratory Assistants and Trainee Biomedical Scientists. Act as mentors for Trainee Biomedical Scientists. Occasionally, act as a delegate to external educational events and then to present at a Microbiology Educational Meeting. RESEARCH & AUDIT Participate in clinical and non-clinical audit, trials, research and development as directed by departmental management. Participate in internal and external safety audits as appropriate.