What skills and experience we're looking for
Class Teacher
This post is subject to the current conditions of employment for Class Teachers contained in the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document, the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act, the required standards for Qualified Teacher Status and Class Teachers and other current legislation.
Job Purpose
To be an effective professional who demonstrates thorough curriculum knowledge, can teach and assess effectively, take responsibility for professional development and has pupils who achieve well.
Areas of Responsibility and Key Tasks
a) Planning, Teaching and Class Management
Teach allocated pupils by planning their teaching to achieve progression of learning through:
• identifying clear teaching objectives and specifying how they will be taught and assessed;
• setting tasks which challenge pupils and ensure high levels of interest;
• setting appropriate and demanding expectations;
• setting clear targets, building on prior attainment;
• identifying SEN or very able pupils;
• providing clear structures for lessons maintaining pace, motivation and challenge;
• making effective use of assessment and ensure coverage of programmes of study;
• ensuring effective teaching and best use of available time;
• maintaining discipline in accordance with the school’s procedures and encouraging good practice with regard to punctuality, behaviour, standards of work and homework; using a variety of teaching methods to:
• match approach to content, structure information
• present a set of key ideas and use appropriate vocabulary
• use effective questioning, listen carefully to pupils, give attention to errors and misconceptions
• select appropriate learning resources and develop study skills through library, I.C.T. and other sources;
• ensuring pupils acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding appropriate to the subject taught;
• evaluating own teaching critically to improve effectiveness;
• ensuring the effective and efficient deployment of classroom support.
b) Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting:
• assess how well learning objectives have been achieved and use them to improve specific aspects of teaching;
• mark and monitor pupils' work and set targets for progress;
• assess and record pupils' progress systematically and keep records to check work is understood and completed, monitor strengths and weaknesses, inform planning and recognise the level at which the pupil is achieving;
• undertake assessment of pupils as requested by examination bodies, departmental and school procedures;
• prepare and present informative reports to parents.
c) Curriculum Development
• Have lead responsibility for a subject or aspect of the school’s work and develop plans which identify clear targets and success criteria for its development and/or maintenance
• Contribute to the whole school’s planning activities
d) Pastoral Duties:
• promote the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of the class as a whole;
• liaise with the Headteacher to ensure the implementation of the school’s pastoral system;
• register pupils, accompany them to assemblies, encourage their full attendance at all lessons and their participation in other aspects of school life;
• contribute to the preparation of Action Plans and progress files and other reports;
• alert appropriate staff to problems experienced by pupils and make recommendations as to how these may be resolved;
• communicate, as appropriate, with parents of pupils and persons or bodies outside the school concerned with the welfare of individual pupils, after consultation with appropriate staff;
• contribute to RSHE and citizenship and enterprise according to school policy
e) Other Professional Requirements
• have a working knowledge of teachers' professional duties and legal liabilities;
• operate at all times within the stated policies and practices of the school;
• know subject(s) or specialism(s) to enable effective teaching;
• establish effective working relationships and set a good example through their presentation and personal and professional conduct;
• endeavour to give every child the opportunity to reach their potential and meet high expectations;
• contribute positively and effectively to the Every Child Matters agenda;
• co-operate with other staff to ensure a sharing and effective usage of resources to the benefit of the school, department and pupils;
• contribute to the corporate life of the school through effective participation in meetings and management systems necessary to coordinate the management of the school;
• take part in marketing and liaison activities such as Open Evenings, Parents Evenings and events with partner schools;
• take responsibility for own professional development and duties in relation to school policies and practices;
• liaise effectively with parents and governors.
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified.
Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request from the Headtecaher to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.
What the school offers its staff
Langley Green Primary School Wellbeing Policy
The emotional health and wellbeing of all members of Langley Green Primary School is fundamental to our philosophy and ethos of valuing everyone, caring for each other and achieving excellence.
At Langley Green Primary School, we recognise that mental health and emotional wellbeing is just as important as our physical health. We pride ourselves on our supportive and caring ethos and our approach is to be respectful and kind, where each individual and contribution is valued.
We recognise that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We aim to ensure that everybody is supported to reach their full potential or access help when they need it.
We have the following in place:
• Teacher Entitlement Day - A paid, day off work for all full-time teachers – a day of their choice covered by a Cover Supervisor.
• Permanent display boards to limit workload.
• Housekeeper onsite for cleaning and milk and fruit delivery.
• Pencil cases provided for pupils, which are organised with resources at the beginning of the year.
• Communication identified as a strength by staff - weekly bulletin
• Report writing - shorter and more focused - pre populated.
• Staff social events
• Colleagues always there to listen
• Well-resourced with support staff.
• Clothing provided - fleece, PE hoodie and yellow waterproof coat for duties.
• Free lunch every day if wanted from school lunches
• Snacks in the staffroom
• Clear school lock up time 17:45 - staff have to leave by then
• School is warm
• Free tea, coffee and milk
• Flexible timings for parent/carer events - sports day etc
• Resources - unlimited photocopying/laminating
• All admin tasks completed - dedicated T/A after school.
• All tests marked and entered by T/As
• Well organised resources - no wasted time.
• SLT - supportive and approachable
• All planning provided - Talk 4 writing, Maths no Problem, Success for All reading, Kapow art, Kapow DT, Switched on Science.
Commitment to safeguarding
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be subject to satisfactory references and Disclosure and Barring checks.