Core Duties To provide specialised clinical pharmacy advice for allocated wards / teams including attending their multidisciplinary team meetings. To lead in the delivery of the clinical and patient services to allocated wards / teams, including leading on any medicines-related projects. To identify audit topics for allocated wards / teams. To contribute to and encourage pharmacy-based and multidisciplinary clinical audit. To support the work of the dispensary; dispensing and checking inpatient and outpatient prescriptions, as required by the Dispensary manager. To provide pharmaceutical advice to patients and staff of CHC Trust in the dispensary and by telephone as part of the pharmacy service. To liaise with medical and nursing staff in the provision of the Pharmaceutical Service to Combined Healthcare Trust Clinical Pharmacy Service To provide a specialised clinical service to allocated wards / teams including: - Provision of specialist advice to patients, relatives and other healthcare professionals Review of prescription charts according to Trust procedures. This involves making recommendations tailored to the needs of specific patients or situations. This includes checking medicine doses are appropriate; checking for interactions; addressing co-existing medical diseases and conditions such as hepatic and renal impairment. Endorsing of charts according to Trust procedures Risk Management and compliance with Medicines Legislation. To participate in the Care Plan approach. To participate in Consultant ward rounds and Multidisciplinary team meetings where appropriate. To provide cover for additional wards and units as required. To participate in the forward planning and development of the Clinical Pharmacy Service. To advise medical and nursing staff on the most cost-effective use of medicines as part of the departments role in managing drug expenditure and compliance with the North Staffordshire JointFormulary. To participate in the systems to measure clinical pharmacy input and provides such information on request. To investigate pharmaceutical problems arising from use of medicinal products and to participate in and encourage medical staff in incident reporting and Yellow Card completion. To support and advise all prescribers within the pharmacists areas of competence To work closely with and support the work of other pharmacy staff within the pharmacy service to ensure effective team working. Management Role To prepare and present regular evaluated medicines usage and expenditure reports (minimum quarterly) to specified wards / teams in liaison with the Principal Pharmacist (Clinical) To identify areas of potential cost savings in medicines expenditure and to advise and make recommendations to the team in managing their medicines budget in liaison with the Principal Pharmacist (Clinical) To attend and participate in pharmacy team meetings. To risk assess the Pharmaceutical Service for which s/he is responsible through the maintenance and development of safe systems of work To give advice on pharmaceutical matters to all members of the Healthcare professions, patients and carers to facilitate safe and economic use of medicines within services for Mental Health, including counselling on the use of aids to concordance, and to promote patient choice. Other areas of work include: Training Research and Audit Corporate Duties Professional Development Specialist/technical requirements Full details can be found on the job description and person specification.