The successful candidate will also be responsible for developing and embedding the health and care model for the Dacorum Neighbourhood and promoting the development and maturation of the neighbourhood. This will include providing strategic direction and alignment with the South West Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnerships strategic vision and alignment with the HCP-wide health and care model. The role will include developing a workplan for the neighbourhood, planning and organising services delivered at neighbourhood-level and brokering relationships with the partner organisations to promote collaborative working, including the coordination of multi-disciplinary working. This will include: Supporting the neighbourhood to determine its priorities and identifying opportunities for productivity and efficiency improvement Aligning multiple data sources including PHM data, JSNAs, Herts Insights to inform neighbourhood priorities and identify opportunities for improvement Developing the neighbourhood workplan Preparing neighbourhood updates for the HCP Board Designing a prioritisation process for neighbourhood priorities and transformation initiatives Identifying opportunities for shared learning and collaboration with other neighbourhoods Developing partnership-wide leadership models (OD plan and leadership team) Signposting and connecting teams Please find the full job description attached.