To contribute to the delivery of Physical Health assessment, care Plans under the directsupervision of the practitioner To be proactive in maximizing health, well being and social inclusion of service users To report any concerns or identified physical health issues to the MDT, nursepractitioner and or GP This should include any concerns arising from the service-usersenvironment, physical or mental health. To maintain effective communication between the community physical health team,individuals, relatives, carers, community mental health teams and primary care services To use a variety of verbal and non-verbal skills to overcome communication barrierspresented by service users due to their learning disability and mental health needs. As directed by the qualified practitioners, play a specific role in maintaining a safeenvironment for service users, staff and visitors. To carry out specific duties that contribute to the assessment of service users physicalhealth assessment, health interventions and sign posting. To carry out, under supervision or direction, activities, which optimize service userslevel of functioning and develop meaningful activities for individuals and groups. To use skills and techniques, gained during mandatory training, to deescalate situations where service users become physically and verbally aggressive.