Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is inviting applications from anyone who meets the entry criteria with a relevant degree and would be interested in entering a career in Teaching. The specialist subject area that would be sponsored by the Comhairle is Business Studies. Further details of the support provided by the Comhairle will be provided to eligible candidates.
The PGDE requires full time study for one academic year (September – June). The course fees will be paid if you are unable to access SAAS funding and financial support will be provided for the year of the studies. The model of support is based on a percentage of the Probationer teacher pay scale. Students will be guaranteed a probationer place within the authority area for the year following completion of the PGDE.
There is no Person Specification for this post. Your application should state your reasons for wanting to become a teacher. You should detail the skills and experience you have currently and what skills and experience you think a teacher would require.
The following link provides more details about the course, but we recommend you view the UHI website for more detailed information on the PGDE course:
Ma tha ùidh agad ann an dreuchd Teagaisg, tha Comhairle nan Eilean Siar a’ sireadh thagraidhean bho neach sam bith a tha a’ coileanadh nan slatan tomhais ìnntrigidh ’s aig a bheil ceum freagarrach. ’S e Eòlas Gnìomhachais an cuspair sònraichte ris an cuir a’ Chomhairle taic. Tairigidh a’ Chomhairle tuilleadh fiosrachaidh do thagraichean freagarrach.
Airson PGDE a choileanadh, feumar a bhith an sàs ann an cùrsa foghlaim làn thìde fad bliadhna acadaimigeach (Sultain – Ògmhìos). Thèid cosgaisean a’ chùrsa a phàigheadh mur a bheil e comasach dhut SAAS fhaotainn ’s gheibhear taic-airgid airson na bliadhna ionnsachaidh. Tha ìre na taice stèidhichte air cuibhreann de rang pàighidh neach-teagaisg Pròbhaidh. Bidh gealltanas aig oileanach air obair anns an ùghdarras ionadail airson bliadhna an dèidh am PGDE a chrìochnachadh.
Chan eil Sònrachadh Pearsanta ann airson a’ phuist seo. Bu chòir dhut na h-adhbharan a th’ agad airson a bhith ag iarraidh a bhith nad thidsear a mhìneachadh nad thagradh. Bu chòir dhut iomradh a thoirt air na sgilean ’s an t-eòlas a th’ agad a-cheana agus na sgilean agus an t-eòlas a dh’fheumas tidsear, nad bheachd-sa.
Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun chùrsa tron cheangal seo, ach thathas a’ moladh gun toir thu sùil air làrach-lìn UHI airson fiosrachaidh nas mionaidiche mun chùrsa PGDE: