Whythis jobmatters
Areyou someone that has a wealth of life experience which could helpyou navigate challenging situations? This could be resilience fromraising a family, or the life skills you’ve built up from years ofbuilding relationships with those around you. If so, you have thetransferrable skills to succeed in a Customer Service Billing rolewith EE.
Why notuse your skills to make a difference and join our Billing Team inBelfast. We need people like you to speak with our customers overthe phone about their account, listen to their needs and worktogether to find the best possibleoutcome.
Weunderstand that life never stands still, and like most roles withinEE, this opportunity is designed with flexibility in mind. We’rehere to support you in being successful, meaning we’ll doeverything we can to make sure you don’t miss that appointment, orcan look after your family in an emergency. Just a couple of wayswe’re doing this include giving you the opportunity to scheduleyour own breaks and bankingtime.
What’s init for you?
* A great startingsalary of 23,504, raising to 24,064 after 8 months ofservice
* Huge discounts of EE & BT productsincluding your Mobile and Broadband – savingyou hundreds of pounds every year.
* OnlineGP – Giving you access to a GP via telephone or video 24/7 for bothyou and your immediate family, fully funded byus
* Market leading paid carer’s leave, upto 2 weeks off for carers to give that bit of extra support to ourcolleagues who are caring for family or friends who are disabled,ill or elderly
* Family Leave - Equalisedmaternity, paternity, and adoption leave and it gives all parents18 weeks full pay and 8 weeks half pay in the first year howeverthey choose to grow their family
* Supportin carving your own career path. We are passionate about developingour people and we’ll support you to achieve the career youwant.
* Volunteering days, so you can giveback to your local community.
* OptionalPrivate Healthcare and Dental, to protect you and yourfamily.
Ontop of all that, we’ve got a great team culture, meaningfulsupport, and tailored training to help you build a lasting career.What are you waitingfor?