Engage in carer networks across the North London Provider Collaborative. Develop publicity materials with the administrative team to inform carers about available services and how to access support. Collaborate with clinicians to meet with families, offering support and information. Attend Trust and service meetings to represent the carer perspective and influence thinking and practice. Ensure adherence to appropriate security and risk procedures. Support the nursing team in maintaining consistency in the support and engagement of friends and families and communicate suggestions to the appropriate operational meetings. Establish links with external community resources to support the development and inclusion of information and signposting for carers. Receive and provide feedback to and from relevant members of the multidisciplinary team. Adhere to Trust policies and divisional protocols. Ensure that involvement in any activities complies with Health and Safety procedures, fire regulations, and security policies. Participate in team and business meetings relevant to the area of work. Undertake mandatory training. Attend regular supervision sessions. This is not an exhaustive list, please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification for more information on the role requirements and duties.