NHS Forth Valley Sites
Opportunities have arisen for enthusiastic health visitors with current practice experience to work full time or 0.8 WTE on a permanent basis, within health visiting teams based in Clackmannan and Falkirk in NHS Forth Valley.
The successful candidates will become key members of the health visiting team with which they are based. The Health Visiting Service works with a varied client population, including children and families with known additional needs, and covers the geographical areas of Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire.
The successful candidates should be experienced in the areas of caseload management, child protection, working with families presenting with complex needs and health improvement work. Good communication and organisational skills, coupled with an ability to work within a team setting as well as independently, will be essential requirements of these posts.
Ability and willingness to travel throughout the area of service delivery may be a requirement for these posts.
Informal Enquiries to:
Caroline Murphy, Clinical Nurse Manager 07768 707627
Deborah Speckamp Team Leader 07855 516045
Shelley Arthur Team Leader 07890 032556
The duties of this post require the successful candidate to be a member of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme. More information on this scheme can be found at
Please note that the majority of correspondence is sent by e-mail, therefore please check your e-mail regularly (including junk folders) and your Jobtrain account for updates.
NHS Forth Valley is positive about disabled people and is committed to offering an interview to disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for the job.