Oversight of all aspects of quality pertaining to the two regional contracts; Seek assurance on all aspects of quality including, but not limited to, clinical effectiveness, patient safety and patient experience, performance against Key Performance Indicators within the contracts, providing assurance to all associate commissioners, and other stakeholders as required; Identify any areas of concern from the information available and work with the provider(s) and other system partners to address these; Accountability for the content and oversight of all quality sections within the National Standard Contract. This will include, but is not limited to, national and local quality schedules, Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) and national and local Key Performance Indicators. This may include the creation of local CQUIN schemes; Build positive relationships with the providers and associate commissioners and attend regular meetings with quality leads; Maintain a strategic oversight of quality to include the review of and oversee the implementation of national policy, best practice guidance, audit outcomes and other relevant documents; Support sharing of good practice and learning from incidents, complaints and other information across providers and system partners; Support the formal quality meetings between commissioners and the providers as directed by the Chair; Line management within the team; As a senior member of the team, provide support on any remit of work to the wider team as needed; Lead specific projects, as relevant to the two regional contracts and the national and local Urgent and Emergency Care agendas; Responsible for the production and monitoring of quality reports and papers, both routine and ad hoc; Ensure the contracts quality agendas are in-keeping with and support the quality agenda within each system; Support the Directors with the oversight and development of plans to support delivery of national and locally agreed key performance indicators; Support the system in driving transformation as well as value for money in planning, commissioning and service development; The job description and person specification are an outline of the tasks, responsibilities and outcomes required of the role. The job holder will carry out any other duties as may reasonably be required by their line manager; The job description and person specification may be reviewed on an ongoing basis in accordance with the changing needs of the Department and the Organisation.