Ware Town Council is recruiting for a full-time finance and administration manager/responsible finance officer (RFO). This interesting and rewarding position will lead the finance and administration function and team, contributing as part of the senior leadership team across the whole portfolio of activities of Ware Town Council. The main areas of day-to-day responsibility include:
1. Governance and risk management
2. Budgeting
3. Bank accounts
4. Investments
5. Accounts month-end
6. Accounts year-end
7. VAT
8. External funding
9. Grants
10. Procurement
11. Tenders and Section 106
12. Insurance
13. Commercial activity meetings
14. Human resources and payroll
15. Administration team management (including the cemetery and allotments)
There are three tiers of local government that cover Ware, each with different responsibilities. Ware Town Council is the first and most local tier, with an important role in managing local services and facilities, promoting the town, representing its interests and supporting the work of different groups in the community. Ware Town Council has a precept of £2.1M and other income of £800K pa and is currently embarking on several exciting projects, including the £1.5 million development of Ware Priory Lido.