The post-holder will : Provide the choice of direct access to an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, both in the Practice and over the telephone, for the general practice population Make professionally autonomous decisions for which he/she is accountable Provide a first point of contact within the Practice for patients presenting with undifferentiated, undiagnosed problems, making use of skills in history taking, physical examination, problem-solving and clinical decision-making, to establish a diagnosis and management plan To maintain accurate and contemporaneous records, utilising computer systems where appropriate and consider the Caldicott Principles in relation to all data handling. Instigate necessary invasive and non-invasive diagnostic tests or investigations and interpret findings/reports Provide safe, evidence-based, cost-effective, individualised patient care Offer a holistic service to patients and their families, developing where appropriate an on-going plan of care/support, with an emphasis on prevention and self-care Promote health and well-being through the use of health promotion, health education, screening and therapeutic communication skills Refer patients directly to other services/agencies as appropriate Contribute to the practice achieving its quality targets to sustain the high standards of patient care and service delivery PROFESSIONAL ROLE : The post-holder will : Promote evidence-based practice through the use of the latest research-based guidelines and the development of practice-based research. Monitor the effectiveness of their own clinical practice through the quality assurance strategies such as the use of audit and peer review Maintain their professional registration Participate in continuing professional development opportunities to ensure that up-to-date evidence-based knowledge and competence in all aspects of the role is maintained Work within the latest NMC Code of Professional Conduct Record accurate consultation data in patients records in accordance with the latest NMC guidance and other pertinent standards Keep up to date with pertinent health-related policy and work with the practice team to consider the impact and strategies for implementation Work collaboratively with colleagues within and external to the practice. Pro-actively promote the role of the Nurse Practitioner within the Practice, and externally to key stakeholders and agencies TEAM ROLE As a clinician be available to support other healthcare team members and to accept referrals from other team members. To liaise with all members of the Primary Health Care Team and other agencies local authority, social services, secondary care, voluntary sector and Primary Care Trust in order to assure appropriate care is provided for the practice population. To participate as a key member of the multi-professional team through the development of collaborative and innovative practice. To value all team members. To delegate appropriate tasks to the primary care team whilst still maintaining responsibility for this area. To support the delivery of health and safety guidance as agreed within the practice. ORGANISATIONAL To complete records, audits, reports and respond to appropriate questions and requests. To attend meetings as requested. Support effective communication channels between the whole team. To work according to Clinical Governance and support the Clinical Governance Agenda. To understand the role of the Risk Management Team within the practice contributing to risk assessment and Significant Event Audit and the importance of Infection Control. The individual may be required to undertake the assessment and management of patients within the home environment. You will be expected to deal appropriately with all admin work that arise from your caseload, including actioning lablinks, tasks and documents from hospital and other professionals, interpretation and actioning of other test results.