Digestive Diseases Health Group is supported by a Chief of Service, Director of Operations and Director of Nursing.
The group provides both medical and surgical services at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital Grimsby, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole District General Hospital.
We are seeking to appoint two substantive Consultants in Gastroenterology (following an upcoming retirement) to join a team of four existing Consultants to run the department of Gastroenterology across all sites. Two Consultants already in place have a special interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, haemochromatosis, hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders, and there is also an expectation of consolidation of the hepatobiliary and Upper GI bleed services across sites.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to be appointed as Honorary Senior Lecturer at Hull York Medical School (HYMS). This honorary appointment is in recognition of contribution to teaching and research, and holders of honorary titles may request access to HYMS and University premises and facilities, systems, and library services.
Job Description approved by the Royal College.
AAC date: 6th May 2025.