Acute Medicine at SWBH NHS Trust is a fundamental specialty, which has grown dramatically over a matter of years. Acute Medicine has been credited by the Trust and is critical to the day-to-day flow of the hospital. The Acute Physicians are heavily involved in strategic decision-making and play a large role in leadership, management and education with the Trust. As Acute Physicians we are responsible for the first 72 hours of care of our sick medical patients. We look after a range of patients from the very sick, to those that need diagnostics and discharge to ambulatory care and admission avoidance. We house Level 1 beds and have large SDEC area as well as short stay units. We deliver prompt senior decision making on the AMUs with continual presence of acute physicians on the AMUs. We work in line with the Society Acute Medicine (SAM) Standards and perform well within the key performance indicators. For more information on the job role and responsibilities, please refer to the Job Description attached. For an informal discussion, please contact: Consultant In Acute Internal Medicine: Dr N Rajaiah, E-mail: Consultant In Acute Internal Medicine and Recruitment Lead: Dr S Kiani. E-mail: