Job summary
Anexciting opportunity has arisen for a Behaviour Nurse Specialist to join ourClinical team at Beechwood College. This post would suit an individual whowants to make a positive difference in the lives of young people with Autism SpectrumDisorder, some of whom have an additional learning disabilities, and complexand challenging needs (aged 18-25).
We arelooking for an outstanding and aspirational nurse to collaborate with thespecialist MDT, primary stakeholders, and co-productively with students todesign and effectively implement a range of tailored Positive Behaviour Supportstrategies. You will take a lead role inproviding support and direct practice leadership to clinicians, residential andeducational staff in order to ensure delivery of high quality behaviouralsupport across the college setting.
Main duties of the job
Thesuccessful candidate will manage a caseload and have an element of coordinationwith other Behaviour Support Team members. The candidate will complete andimplement a range of evidence-based specialist assessments and interventionsthat are guided by and built around the strengths, challenges, needs, andinterests of those requiring support. Interventions will focus on enhancingquality of life, promoting personal skill development, and reducing andeliminating the use of restrictive practices.
Youwill join an existing multidisciplinary team involving colleagues frompsychology, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychiatry,dietetics, education and residential care. Across the wider Iris Care Group,you will join a clinical services team, working across multiple specialitiesand disciplines, allowing for a high level of peer support and the sharing ofclinical resources. We have an active internal CPD process and have activelinks with local universities and with local special interest groups acrossspecialisms. The department is active in service evaluation and development,particularly in the areas of autism adapted evidence based therapies, personcentred planning, positive behavioural support and restraint reduction, the measurementof staff cultures, and service user involvement.
About us
IrisCare Group is the largest independent health and social care provider operatingacross South Wales and Southwest England.We care for people with highly complex needs across all our services indifferent settings. We always look beyond the presentation to see the personand take pride in supporting vulnerable people to improve their lives.
Sessional commitment for thepost is flexible, with to WTE being the preferred time commitment.
If you are an Iris Care Groupemployee this post would be considered on a secondment basis depending uponagreement with your manager.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Job Key Responsibilities
1. Facilitatethe pro-active implementation of the Positive Behaviour Support pathway within BeechwoodCollege
2. To promote the principles of Positive Behavior Supportthroughout the College.
3. To support staff in stressful and challengingsituations, including identifying learning debriefs in line with the criteriaset out in the Promoting Positive Behavior policy & facilitation ofrelevant debriefs.
4. To assist with the recruitment and induction of newstaff.
5. To participate in regular clinical and managerialsupervision.
6. To advise on staff training and competency needs andsupport staff to be aware of regulations and procedures to be followed.
7. Be responsible for maintaining high standards ofclinical practice by using clinical examples and leadership skills.
8. To actively participate with the multidisciplinaryteam in assessing, formulating, implementing and evaluating individual behaviorsupport plans.
9. To undertake functional analysis assessments ofstudent behavior.
10. To be responsible for developing and signing off PBSplans for nominated students.
11. To support the implementation, monitoring and reviewof PBS plans.
12. To facilitate core team meetings and case workshopsaround certain students.
13. To positively model PBS approaches throughout thecollege.
14. To actively contribute to the MDT process, ensuring itis service user-centered and underpinned by effective risk management. Whereappropriate, chair multidisciplinary meetings.
15. To produce clinical reports as necessary.
16. To liaise with relatives, external professionals andother key stakeholders where appropriate.
17. To ensure documentation & clinical records aremaintained in line with professional codes of conduct and company policy,ensuring information is recorded timely, is accurate and complete.
18. Be aware of & work in line with company policies& procedures.
19. To observe the code of professional conduct asoutlined by the Nursing & Midwifery Council; and ensure timely revalidationto maintain professional registration.
20. To be aware of the requirements of CIW and inspectionprotocols and report any breaches of regulatory requirements to the RegisteredManager/Clinical lead
21. Observe, adhere to, and advise where necessary on thestatutory requirements of relevant legislation, including the Mental Health Act(1983) and Mental Capacity Act (2005), including facilitating capacity assessments where required.
Person Specification
1. Experience of working within an Autism or Learning Disability setting supporting individuals with Autism and or Learning Disabilities who present with complex and challenging needs
2. Demonstrable evidence of the application of behavioural approaches for adults/young people with Autism and or Learning Disabilities who present with complex and challenging needs
3. Experience delivering consultation and practice leadership
4. Competence in the application of principles of Mental Capacity Act, as relevant to this population and setting
5. Experience within Autism education / social care settings
6. Registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council
7. Further training/qualification in Positive Behavioural Support