Job summary
Were thrilled to announce a rareopening for the unique position of Registered Manager at The Lighthouse.The Lighthouse is a 4 bedded child and adolescent mental health unit based inDarwen, Lancashire. The service is an independent hospital delivered byAssociated Wellbeing. The service aims to provide step-down from child andadolescent mental health inpatient units. The Lighthouse is in aprivileged position to have its own inhouse multi-disciplinary team made up ofNurses, Clinical Psychologist, Consultant Psychiatrist and Registered SocialWorker, these are professionals you would work closely with within the role asRegistered Manager. Please see attached job description for a detailedexplanation of the role.
It is an exciting time to joinAssociated Wellbeing as we are an ever-growing company who is expanding itsportfolio of residential homes for children, which in turn brings new andexciting opportunities for our workforce.
Main duties of the job
What we want from you
You must have professionalqualification in a relevant area, such as Teaching, Nursing, Social Work orrelevant NVQ level 5 in Children and Young People.
You must have a significant amountof experience in working with children and young people, ideally in aresidential or inpatient setting.
Previous experience of workingwithin with the CQC framework is desirable but not essential.
Strong leadership and communicationskills with the ability to motivate others.
Commitment to upholding the higheststandards of care, professionalism and ethical conduct.
Passion for making a difference inthe lives of the children we care for.
About us
In return you can expect
Support youwill be joining an experienced management team and will be supported in yourrole by the multi-disciplinary team and senior leadership team withinAssociated Wellbeing. You will receive regular 1:1 supervision, as well as peersupport from other Registered Managers within the company.
Careerprogression and professional development we are committed to supporting professional developmentfor our staff by offering qualifications, learning and developmentopportunities and personalised appraisals.
Competitivesalary - we offer competitive salaries for our employees toensure we have the right people in the right jobs and we recogniseexperience.
Benefits - we have arange of support and discounts for employees through our Employee AssistanceProgram. We offer sick pay/maternity pay and apension scheme. Performance bonus scheme. Social events. Training opportunitiesand career development.
Job description
Job responsibilities
ROLE: The Manager is required to provide effective clinical leadership,governance and management and it is their responsibility to secure, sustain andpromote the reputation of Associated Wellbeing. To ensure the delivery of high-qualityholistic care and to create a caring environment conducive to individual needsand practice research development within the framework of quality assurance.
To ensure that agreed qualityassurances initiatives are implemented within the placement.
Liaise with social careregulators and local authorities to ensure satisfactory standards aremaintained
To become the person in chargeresponsible for the day-to-day running of the placement with 24-hourresponsibility for the care of the Young Persons.
To uphold, adhere to andimplement the Information Governance standards and expectations, and tocollaboratively work with the Information Governance Lead/Senior Management tofeedback information and support proper implementation of Informationgovernance systems.
To provide improvement,independence and choice for Young Persons, making sure they are treated withdignity at all times.
To manage the effective use ofresources and maintain high levels of occupancy.
To comply with all regulatory requirementsat all times and in particular the Regulations for the Registration andInspection of the placement.
To ensure policy and proceduresare implemented and understood by all the staff, to ensure the highest standardof care.
To provide clinical and operational leadership andmanagement by being responsible and accountable, to ensure that both individualstaff needs, and organisational needs are met, in order to deliver the highest possible quality ofcare within a safe working and living environment
Oversee the day-to-day management and running of TheLighthouse with 24-hour responsibility for the care of the Young Persons andco-ordinate the staff teams accordingly in line with service demands and acuityensuring any staffing deficits are addressed accordingly.
To ensure policy and procedures are implemented andunderstood by all the staff to ensure the highest standard of care.
To work within the professional boundaries in linewith NMC guidance and be a positive role model to colleagues and ensure bestpractice is always demonstrated, whilst developing a person-centred culture,which effectively meets the needs of individual Young Persons.
To be approachableand provide a regular presence on the shop floor as well as being consistentin all actions and decisions.
Registered managers are responsibleformaintaining their own CQC registration. When a registered manager leaves alocation or a provider, they must apply to vary or cancel their registration.
To ensure you maintain your own NMC Nurse registrationand comply with revalidation in line with NMC requirements.
As an employee you are accountable to ensure that youknow how to respond when you are concerned for the safety of a child, youngperson, or vulnerable adult. As a senior manager you will need to oversee andmanage safeguarding issues and ensure the placement maintains action plans,high standards of documentation and all reporting is completed to CQCrequirements.
To participate and manage the on-call manager rota,providing advice to colleagues when required and at times this may involveattending the placement.
To ensure all CQC notifiable incidents are reportedwithin 24hrs and to ensure all incidents are recorded on Peninsula in a timelymanner.
To conduct regular reviews withnew employees during their probationary period and to always conduct a sixthmonthly review to confirm the appointment or extend the probation period.
To ensure all staff are annuallyappraised and that required standards of performance are being achieved, tomanage under-performance through objective setting and regular reviews, andthat regular supervisions occur in line with company policy.
To identify individual trainingneeds in line with the placements objectives and the employees performance,arranging training and evaluating their effectiveness, and ensuring that staffhave completed the required training each year.
To hold regular staff, YoungPersons and stake holders meetings to provide and receive feedback, andadminister the questionnaires provided as part of the companys QualityAssurance Systems.
The post holder will work with the senior leadershipteam to deliver the set measurable outcomes expected by the company.
To work collaboratively with the senior leadershipteam to ensure that national initiatives and frameworks are fully implemented.( tasks that are set following quality and operational committee meetings)Ensure all new staff have relevant training andinduction, all relevant checks are completed prior to commencing work includingreference checks and DBS checks, in line with safer be responsible for all clinical health and safetyprocesses for all specified areas, including annual/monthly inspections, auditsand all risk ensure the requirements set out by the Care QualityCommission and similar national regulatory bodies are met, Standards ForBetter Health, NICE guidelines, provide requested information to the board whenrequired, this is normally bi-monthly. ( safeguarding, recruitment,sickness, incidents, investigations, admission, complaints etc).Ensure that all staff mandatory training is completedto required standards and time frames. In addition, identification of anytraining needs will also be required to ensure all staff are competent for thejob role/client group.
To identify any risks, both clinical and non-clinicwithin the placement and report them accordingly to Safety and Developmentlead, to be added to the risk register and be addressed.
Work within the companys clinical governance policyand ensure lessons learnt and shared learning is completed where necessary.
Ensure that all GDPR (General Data ProtectionRegulation) requirements are adhered to within the company.
To ensure complaints and suggestions are positivelyactioned and dealt with correctly.
To ensure all Clinical monitoring and audit systemsare in situ.
Administration of medication in line with the policyand procedure. To ensure completion of medication compliance audits, CD checks,temperature checks and record for audit purposes.
To regularly monitor the deliveryof care given by all staff ensuring that the physical, social, psychologicaland emotional needs of the Service User are recognised, assessed and met.
To ensure the Lighthouse and itsprocesses are fully compliant with the Mental Capacity Act and that YoungPersons are empowered to make choices where possible and where not, bestinterest decisions are made on their behalf involving all those necessary.
To ensure the placement iscompliant with DoLS legislation.
To ensure that there is a regularprogramme of activities, which are arranged in line with the Young Personsneeds.
To ensure the Young Personreceive a pleasant nutritional diet.
To ensure an active named nurseand key worker system for all the Young Persons.
To ensure the maintenance of thehighest standards of care consistent with the requirements of CQC/FundingAuthorities.
To arrange regular reviews withSocial Workers, Young Persons, Relatives and Key Workers.
To conduct a pre-admissionassessment for all potential Young Persons in line with the admission policy.
To meet professional and legalresponsibilities regarding the storage, handling and administration of drugs.
To always ensure the protectionand safety of Young Persons, which requires conducting regular health andsafety checks and checks that the nurse call bell system and the fire alarmssystems are always fully functional.
To personally have a fullunderstanding and working knowledge of all Associated Wellbeing/Lighthousepolicies and procedures and ensure that all these policies are always appliedand to inform of any updates that may be required to senior management.
To understand the legalrequirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Regulations and otherlegislations and ensure the placement complies with Essential Standards ofQuality and Safety, and whatever legislation or relevant standards that maybein force at any time.
To manage the effective use of resources and maintainhigh levels of occupancy.
Budget holder - To ensure that indicated budgets arebeing managed effectively
All non-clinical audits systems are in situ andmonitored
To undertake initial investigations relating toclinical and disciplinary matters, grievances etc.
To co-ordinate and participate in the recruitment ofNurses and Support Workers.
To ensure staff files are updated and annual leave andsickness is managed.
To ensure that all annual leaverequests are co-ordinated to prevent disruption in the placement.
To control sickness absence byalways conducting back to work interviews and correctly applying companypolicy.
To meet professional and legalresponsibilities with Health and Safety issues and ensure that all monitoringrequirements are met.
To remain professionally updatedand ensure care in all areas is delivered in line with the latest research topromote evidence-based practice.
To ensure that all Young Personshave a copy of the childrens guide and that all the necessary fundingdocuments are completed.
To ensure the security andconfidentially of records and information relating to the service.
Person Specification
1. You must have a significant amount of experience in working with children and young people, ideally in a residential or inpatient setting.
2. Strong leadership and communication skills with the ability to motivate others.
3. Commitment to upholding the highest standards of care, professionalism and ethical conduct.
4. Passion for making a difference in the lives of the children we care for.
5. Previous experience of working within with the CQC framework is desirable but not essential.
6. You must have professional qualification in a relevant area, such as Teaching, Nursing, Social Work or relevant NVQ level 5 in Children and Young People.