To provide a comprehensive service to consultants and specialty teams including nurse practitioners/clinicians. Diary management, arrange appointments, and arrange travel and accommodation. Minute taking for weekly/monthly meetings To manage and maintain 18 week pathways including tertiary referrals to external trusts, and ensure these are accurately recorded on PAS system. Keep track of referrals to ensure patient is reviewed promptly. Check that follow up appointments are arranged in conjunction with Referral to Treat (RTT) patient pathway. Mentor, train and supervise relevant staff as required. Deal with annual leave requests and sickness absence return to work interviews. Support consultants in non-clinical activities role by preparing presentation documents, using relevant packages and arranging meetings, set agenda, circulate agenda/supporting papers as appropriate and take minutes at meetings. Ensure appropriate personnel are informed of consultant annual leave/study leave. Keep consultants informed of junior doctor leave, as it could have an effect on service. Organise and maintain consultant's admissions. Cancel and add patients to the waiting list, as appropriate, ensuring lists are updated, and patients contacted. Liaise with waiting list office, anaesthetic department and ward. Complete and amend theatre lists appropriately. For a full list of duties, please refer to the attached job description and person specification