The Green Party of England and Wales is a political organisation and movement that prioritises building a future that is Green and equal. Since 2019 the Green Party has quadrupled its number of elected Councillors, now standing at over 800, increased membership by 50%, increased national income by one third, and in this year’s General Election gone from one long standing MP to four entirely new MPs and increased the national vote share to over 7%.
The party is looking for a people-focused strategic thinker with a track record of leading change in a growing organisation. Our new CEO will help to grow the party into its next stage of electoral impact, building on the extraordinary changes over the past 5 years. There is still much to do to capitalise on these improvements and to increase the impact of the party on the political life of England and Wales.
Our new Chief Executive will work with the Co-Leaders and the Green Party Executive to support the workforce and lead the delivery of the political strategy. The CEO will work closely with the Party’s governance bodies and lead the staff team to improve the structures, systems and processes of the party, develop a proactive fundraising programme and work collaboratively with a diverse stakeholder group across the United Kingdon to ensure that the voice and influence of the Green Party continues to grow.
The new CEO will be a resilient and empathetic leader with a deep commitment to the Green Party’s policies, values and strategy, and who brings experience of running an organisation (or comparable sized function within an organisation). They will be a strategic and creative thinker and provide clear and strong leadership. This is an extremely exciting time to be joining the Green Party and we look forward to hearing from you.
Saxton Bampfylde Ltd is acting as an employment agency advisor to The Green Party on this appointment. For further information about the role, including details about how to apply, please visit using reference OBQDA. Alternatively email Applications should be received by noon on Wednesday 30th October.