Job Description Are you passionate about helping health technology organisations design, develop and deploy sophisticated and innovative solutions? We help our clients develop innovative services that improve outcomes, take care closer to home and deliver a great patient experience. Tomorrow's healthcare system will not be like today's. The coming changes will be shaped by a myriad of influences: shifting preferences, innovative technologies and new economic models, to name a few. We bring a rich mix of insight and expertise to your challenges by combining our knowledge and experience across healthcare, life sciences and medical technologies. Our priority is to build lasting partnerships with our clients. Every organisation wants to improve the way it works and make best use of new technology. Today that means use of digitisation, automation, and artificial intelligence to harness efficiencies and new routes to users. All of this needs to be done in a way that protects individuals’ data and builds security into both the systems and the mindset. As we grow our Cyber Transformation capability we are looking for dynamic and compelling individuals who can help clients understand the potential benefits of trusted digitisation enabled by digital trust and good cyber security.