Job title: Learning Support Assistant
Salary: £16,500 - £18,000
Hours: 37.5hrs
Contract type: Full-time and Permanent
Reporting to: SENCO
Supporting the Student
* Drawing on knowledge of various forms of SEN, to develop an understanding of the specific needs of the student(s) concerned.
* Taking into account the special needs involved, to aid the student(s) to learn as effectively as possible both in group situations and on his own by, for example:
o clarifying and explaining instructions
o ensuring student is able to use equipment and materials provided
o motivating and encouraging student as required
o assisting where difficulties are experienced e.g. language, behaviour, reading, spelling, handwriting/presentation etc.
o helping students to organise for, concentrate on, and finish work set
o meeting physical needs as required whilst encouraging independence
o working under the direction of the class teacher to devise complementary learning activities
* To establish a supportive relationship with the student(s) concerned and encouraging the student(s) to contribute his views.
* To encourage acceptance and integration of the student with SEN.
* To develop methods of promoting/reinforcing student(s) self-esteem
Supporting the Teacher
* To assist with class teacher (and other professionals as appropriate), in the development of targets arising from the Statement and a suitable programme of support and assessment for the student(s).
* In conjunction with the class teacher and/or other professionals to record the student(s) progress.
* To contribute to the maintenance of the school’s system for student assessment and record keeping.
* To participate in the evaluation of the support programme.
* To provide regular feedback about the student to the teacher(s).
Supporting the School
* Where appropriate, to develop a relationship to foster links between home and school.
* To liaise, advise and consult with other people supporting the student(s) when asked to do so.
* To contribute to reviews of the student(s) progress, especially termly reviews and the statutory “Annual” Review of the EHCP.
* To attend relevant Continuing Professional Development.
* To be aware of school procedures.
* To work effectively with the school’s SENCO.
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified.
It is understood that areas of responsibility are from time to time subject to review and are negotiable in the light of the needs of the school and the professional development of the staff.
This job description may be reviewed at the end of the academic year or earlier if necessary. In addition, it may be amended at any time after consultation with you.
Please note that it is an offence to apply for this role if you are barred from engaging in regulated activity relevant to children.
Interviews will be held on the 29th January 2025.