The Full-time working week will consist of 10 Programmed Activities (PAs), separated into: Direct Clinical Care: Supporting Professional Activities: Activity Frequency PAs Ward rounds Rotational basis 0.5 NSECH on call 1:10 3.6 Elective work as dictated by skills and service need Based on SLA 2.5 Clinical Admin Flexible 1.4 Supporting Professional Activities Flexible 2.0 TOTAL 10 Direct clinical care 8.0 programmed activities (DCC) Supporting professional activities 2.0 (SPA). NHCT was the first DGH service to develop standard bradycardia pacing in the early 1990s and has an excellent record in this field. We have been one of the highest volume implanting centres in the North East for bradycardia pacemaker implantation and have comfortably met British Heart Rhythm Society standards for complex device implantation numbers for the last 10 years. Since the beginning of 2022, we have also provided a complex device implantation and follow-up service for Cumbria. Device implantation takes place in a Cath Lab at the Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital (NSECH) facilitating prompt in-patient pacing. All new device implants (bradycardia and complex devices) are enrolled in remote monitoring at implant. There is a dedicated weekly Consultant-delivered complex device trouble-shooting clinic. The Heart Failure Service is driven by a team of six interested Consultants supporting the wider Consultant body and a team of 6.6 WTE Heart Failure Specialist Nurses in secondary care running dedicated nurse-led four pillar initiation and titration clinics and providing an in-reach service at NSECH. In addition, there are 5 WTE Heart Failure Specialist Nurses working in the community.