Radiology Research Fellow – Living Laboratory Project
Applications are invited from radiology trainees based in the West of Scotland for this pilot clinical research fellow post in Clinical Radiology, based in the Imaging Department at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. The post start date is May 2025 and will support the Living Laboratory project, a collaboration between researchers at the University of Glasgow, NHS clinicians and software engineers from Canon Medical Research Europe. A team including respiratory physicians, pathologists, oncologists and data scientists have curated a rich database of around 1400 patients with non-small cell lung cancer containing clinical, imaging and genetic data. A range of projects are proposed and the successful applicant will have the opportunity to contribute to ground-truth, provide radiology input and support to other projects and to lead imaging-based sub-projects.
We would welcome applications from Clinical Radiology specialty trainees based in the West of Scotland at ST3 level or above, looking for a research post to augment training experience. Candidates should hold a training post in Clinical Radiology and have gained the appropriate competencies in CT, MRI and plain film reporting, including thoracic oncology reporting. Preference will be given to candidates who have gained the FRCR Part 2A examination (ideally Part 2B) and candidates must have the support of their Training Programme Director and Clinical Director. They should be looking to pursue clinical and academic sub-speciality expertise in thoracic imaging.
The post-holder will have their national training number changed to an academic NTN for the duration of the post and continue training in Clinical Radiology (0.6) whilst undergoing a period of supervised clinical research (0.4). The position will last for 12 months. On-call commitment will continue at up to full time equivalent. It is expected work undertaken may be presented at national conferences and the post-holder work towards written publications and the Royal College of Radiologists’ Research Certificate.
The post-holder will continue clinical duties within the Imaging Departments at the QEUH, NVH and GGH and will also have the opportunity to provide subspecialist input into a range of thoracic MDTs as well as contributing to routine service provision.
For further information please contact Dr. Gordon Cowell (
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde- NHS Scotland encourages applications from all sections of the community. We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.