This is not exhaustive and may be subject to reasonable ammendments as neeed. To accurately complete the audio-typing of clinic within agreed turnaround times. To audio-type all clinics under the agreed template for the directorate to ensure uniformity of letters. To ensure the enclosures indicated by the clinician on the audio tape are sent out with the appropriate letter(s). To be responsible for sending out and distributing clinic letters. To ensure patient records are accurately maintained on PAS (OASIS), and any other relevant system(s) or databases, ensuring that patient demographics details are correct To check the clinic has been cashed up and the treatments status code and outcome code have been correctly inputted by the reception staff and escalate where appropriate as directed by the Team Leader. To ensure there is effective and robust communication, liaising with Pathway Co-Ordinators, Team Leaders, Service Manager, and any other colleagues, including escalation of any issues as necessary. To ensure that filing of all loose correspondence is carried out at the time of typing and that the files are kept in good order as detailed in the Trust Health Records Policy. Support to the Band 4 Pathway Coordinators to provide periods of cover during annual leave and sickness.