To be the lone worker with individuals and their relatives, the majority of which are unknown and may provide a risk to personal safety. To be professionally and legally accountable for all aspects of own practice, including the management of individuals in your care. To understand and apply the Occupational Therapy process in order to effectively self-manage a complex, multiple caseload, addressing occupational performance and skill deficits, enabling the patient in components of self-care, productivity and leisure. To know the professional and personal scope of own practice and make referrals to other agencies. To demonstrate specialist knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of biological, physical, social, psychological and clinical sciences in relation to a persons ability to function within a community setting To physically demonstrate complex moving and handling techniques to clients and carers. To utilise and advice others on the range of standard and non-standard Occupational Therapy assessments and techniques in areas of occupational performance (work, leisure, personal, domestic, environmental) and skill deficits relevant to the Community Occupational Therapy Service. To be responsible for the assessment, prescription and evaluation of specialist equipment and adaptations for patients with multiple and complex needs. To undertake risk assessments of individuals in their own environments with complex moving and handling needs in line with Social Services and Health policy and practice. To demonstrate a detailed knowledge of a wide range of medical and psychological conditions, and their impact on daily living skills. To be able to use research, clinical reasoning and problem-solving skills including activity analysis to identify the therapeutic benefit of person centred interventions, and to make professional judgements with individuals with diverse or complex needs, or multiple problems according to outcome, changes in patient needs and environmental influences. To use specialist knowledge, training and experience to develop, plan, and implement person centred action plans to support independent living. To be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of time scales to accurately prioritise needs with individuals and the multi-disciplinary team, in relation to available resources and professional demands. To monitor, analyse, evaluate and modify the Occupational Therapy process and treatment in order to measure progress and ensure the effectiveness of intervention. To undertake planned reviews of individuals needs as determined by Social Services policy. Using highly specialised knowledge, carry out and supervise a variety of physical interventions that require a high level of physical and manual dexterity. To apply a high level of knowledge of the effect of disability and provide training and advice on lifestyle changes and adaptations to the individuals social and physical environment. To work in a variety of residential environments, the majority of which are unknown and / or unfamiliar, and may include confined and unhygienic spaces, that could present a risk to personal health and safety. When necessary, to be responsible for the co-ordination of the individuals clinical care package.