An opportunity has arisen at Harrow for a Post Graduate Assistant Teacher (PGAT) of Chemistry from September 2025.
The post comes with a generous package, including:
1. Rent-free accommodation provided on the Hill;
2. Health cover provided free of charge for you and at a reduced rate for any members of your immediate family that you may wish to add;
3. All meals are provided free of charge during term time.
PGAT appointments are fixed term contracts and are typically for one academic year, with the possibility of the contract being renewed for a second year. PGATs teach a reduced timetable, typically including no more than 20 timetabled lessons of 40 minute duration per week, and assist in departments more generally in ways appropriate to their experience and ability. The School provides training in skills both related to teaching and transferable to other professions. The role of PGAT will allow those interested in pursuing a career in teaching to gain directly relevant experience and training, and those more likely to move into another profession beyond the end of their time at Harrow to acquire skills beneficial for their future careers in other areas, including banking, consultancy and the law.
This is an exciting time to join a thriving team of twelve staff; nine teachers and two full-time technicians. This year the department moved into a brand-new building with seven teaching laboratories, all with ‘wet and dry’ areas, ducted fume cupboards, and electronic teaching aids. An additional designated research laboratory benefits from benchtop NMR & IR machines with a vision to enhance lessons and extra-curricular learning. The seminar room and departmental office provide a hub for small group lessons and interaction between colleagues.
The large lecture theatre on the ground floor is conveniently located and well equipped for hosting internal and visiting speakers. The new Teaching, Learning & AI Hub is another whole-school resource which allows all subjects to experiment with interactive and collaborative learning styles.
It is one of the most successful departments in the School, with excellent results achieved at all levels. Almost the whole cohort of 160 boys in a year group elects to study Chemistry to Edexcel IGCSE and a high proportion of students are actively engaged with the super-curriculum. Recent success in the RSC’s Top of the Bench are underpinned by high levels of participation in national competitions such as the JCC, NST|C, Analyst and essay competitions. This ethos of engagement is modelled by the Sixth Form, almost all of whom volunteer for the C3L6 & Olympiad competitions, securing a strong number of Golds, and even the prestigious Roentgenium award. Boys consistently win places at Oxford, Cambridge and other top Russell Group universities to study Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry, Medicine and Chemical Engineering, with an increasing number to the top US institutions.
Those keen to further develop their passion for the subject are keen to engage with the CREST award, while many volunteer to pass on their enthusiasm by teaching introductory lab schools to visiting primary school children as part of the School’s Shaftesbury Enterprise partnership and outreach initiatives.