Luxury brands are looking for experienced retail staff in Oxfordshire
YoungOnes is an app that lets you find work that suits you.Download it for free, and scroll through gigs in Bicester. Once you've found one that fits with your schedule, and reflects your skill set, you can react to it, letting the business know why you're a good fit, and evennegotiating your own pay.
How does it work?
You work as a freelancer on YoungOnes. This means you're in control. You pick your own hours, set your own wage and only work with businesses you like.
It's perfect for anyone looking for a little extra money this month, a new side hustle, or a more flexible career.
Sounds good? Its easy to get started:
* Download the app.It'stotally free!
* Complete a ten minute onboarding course.We'll talk you through the ins and outs of freelance life.
* Verify your ID.Quicklyprove that you are who you say you are.
* Choose a gig.Hundreds of businesses use YoungOnes, just choose your favourites.
* Start earning.Freelancers on our app earn £15 an hour on average.
What's more, once you download and set up an accountyou're eligible for free insurance.
The app isfree to download.So what are you waiting for? Start freelancing today!