S106 & CIL Officer
6-month initial contract
Rate dependant upon previous experience
Job Ref - 51813
I am working closely with my LPA client based in Devon as they seek an interim S106 & CIL specialist on an initial 6-month contract.
This position requires someone with a deep level of understanding and knowledge of CIL & S106 (planning). You will be the only person in the planning team taking responsibility for both areas.
The ideal person will be able to attend the office on a weekly basis. However, the hiring manager wants to consider the best qualified/most experienced people for the role and is happy to be flexible and open the position up for a more remote working basis.
The pay rate has been left open-ended as they are seeking to pay for the experience, rather than limit this factor at this stage.
Interviews are due to take place imminently, if this post is of interest, please do get in touch at your earliest convenience to discuss. Further details are available upon request.
It would aid your application is you are a qualified Town Planner and you must have previous Town Planning experience to be considered.