The Medical Psychotherapy Service (MPS) is under the Southwark directorate of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust as part of the reconfigured community provision for secondary care psychological therapies. It has psychodynamic (P-MPS) and cognitive behavioural (C-MPS) sections. The MPS will encompass 4 main functions which, in order of importance are clinical services, education and training, staff support and development of currently under-resourced clinical provisions. a) Clinical Services The MPS offers psychodynamically and CBT orientated therapies to service users with chronic and complex non-psychotic disorders resident in Southwark, Lambeth or Lewisham. Some service users receiving CBT from this service are primarily under the care of IAPT services. Our service users typically have histories of complex trauma or marked personality or attachment difficulties underlying a complex admixture of symptoms such as anxiety, mood, eating and relationship problems. They often have physical co-morbidity and/or medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) so that medically trained therapists are particularly well placed to provide treatment. The MPS will be able to deliver treatments face-to-face or by online services, as clinically appropriate. b) Education and training The majority of therapies will be delivered by psychiatrists in training (Core and Higher Specialist Trainees) supervised by Consultant Psychiatrists / Medical Psychotherapists. Provision of psychological treatments is a mandatory component over 6 years of their training programmes allowing for delivery of high quality therapies for complex disorders whilst also bringing medical and psychiatric experience to this work - a clinical delivery while training model. The MPS will work to enhance psychological and psychotherapeutic thinking in psychiatry and medical specialities in general by providing teaching and clinical experiences and promoting reflective practice. a) Staff support The MPS provides psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at improving the well-being of mental health staff in general and reducing burn-out and therefore potentially improving clinical performance. These include reflective practices such as Balint groups and RSR, staff groups and mindfulness-based interventions. The services under the Southwark directorate include the acute services, the centralised place of safety, home treatment, acute wards, the liaison services in KCH, assessment & liaison services, Southwark Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) service and promoting recovery. The new directorate aims to transform mental health services for Southwark residents by maximising integrated working with primary care and other community partners. It provides an opportunity for psychiatric services to work closely with the communities it serves.