The Physics Department consists of the Head of Department plus six other members of teaching staff, plus two technicians. The department has five dedicated laboratories.
All students study Science in Years 7 and 8 (seven lessons per fortnight). This is taught by one teacher who covers Key Stage 3 work from all three sciences, following an in-house curriculum based on Key Stage 3. In Year 9 all students study the three sciences separately with three specialist teachers, with four lessons per fortnight in each science. For Years 10 and 11 the students have the option of either studying Double Science or Triple Science, again with three specialist teachers. Our A Level take up is strong, with three or four different groups in each year of between nine and twelve students each, for which we follow the AQA course. Each of these groups is taught by two teachers. As would be expected in an academically strong school achievement is high. Students are issued with iPads, and our delivery is hybrid.
Students are encouraged to participate in competitions and attend lectures and other events to enhance their interest in the sciences. A Science Club is offered to Lower School students, and a range of activities and competitions are offered across the Physics and Science departments in order to further students’ interests, up to and including Oxbridge preparation in the Sixth Form, which has recently had strong success.
The Physics Department is well resourced with practical equipment, and the five laboratories are all equipped with large televisions that connect to teacher Surfaces and iPads, as well as whiteboards.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and shortlisted candidates may be invited for interview at short notice - early application is recommended.
Single staff accommodation may be available on-site.