Youth Ministry (partner with the current Associate Pastor and work toward a healthy leadership transition after the first year)
o Invest time and energy into building relationships with youth in grades 7-12, and their parents, to facilitate their spiritual growth.
o Lead and empower a team of volunteer leaders to serve at events and invest in students.
o Coordinate a weekly gathering on Saturdays for fun, fellowship, worship, and teaching (in-reach and outreach).
o Oversee small groups where leaders invest in students for spiritual growth, discipleship, and shepherding.
o Prepare and teach engaging, biblical, Gospel-centered messages at the weekly youth meeting and oversee other lay leaders to do so.
o Communicate with youth, parents, staff, and leadership about direction and programming, utilizing social media as a tool for ministry.
o Provide regular opportunities for off-sight fellowship activities, service projects, and retreats.
Community Outreach (taking responsibility from the Lead Pastor)
o Set an example of missional living by being in the world, not of the world; praying for the lost; investing in relationships outside the church; and actively sharing your faith.
o Provide training, encouragement, and vision to mobilize the congregation to liveout their mission to reach the lost and serve the community.
o Collaborate with other leaders to assist with our evangelism podcast (Stepping Stones).
o Oversee Outreach Teams, support the team coordinator, and be actively involved in these ministries: Children’s Team: Collaborate with the Children’s Director to plan and coordinate fun and accessible events for children and families throughout the year. YMCA Team: Lead a team to minister to the Y staff and members through prayer, relationship, smoothie outreach, and program support. Service Team: Support the coordinator to arrange service projects to provide maintenance and repairs to local homes or ministries in need. Bridge of Hope: Support the coordinator to provide care for single-moms experiencing homelessness.
Congregational Care (alongside the other pastors and elders)
o Participate in regular leadership and staff meetings.
o Connect with selected new families and work to assimilate them into the church.
o Provide discipleship and accountability for selected church leaders.
o Assist with Sunday service, call to worship, announcements, Lord’s Supper, and Baptisms.
o Preach at the Sunday worship service (about 8 times a year) and teach in Discipleship Seminars and Ministry Leader Trainings as needed.
o Provide counseling, hospital visits, weddings, and funerals as needed.
Campus/Church Planting (collaborate with the elders to refine our strategy)
o Evaluate and discern with the elders the local needs, target area, and timeline for a church plant in York County in partnership with Acts 29 in the next 5 years.
o Evaluate and discern with the elders the strategy of launching a second campus as a first step toward establishing an autonomous church plant.
o Evaluate and discern with the elders your gifting, calling, and potential role in the launch of a second campus or church plant, as other existing elders do the same (in consideration of lead, executive, and associate pastor roles).
o If church planting is assessed to be part of your calling, adjust your responsibilities to invest in training and preparation (see some expectations at
o If church planting is not assessed to be part of your calling, continue serving as an Associate Pastor at LHC and remain in a support role for our church planting efforts.
Position Qualifications:
Candidate Profile
• Committed to Christ, walking in integrity, if married, loving his wife, and leading his family.
• Experience and passion in ministry in the local church to youth and adults through pastoral care, preaching, and evangelism.
• Eagerness to support the current pastors, receive direction from the elders, learn the unique needs of our congregation, and grow into his ministry role.
• Affirms our Expanded Doctrinal Statement, with room for clarification.
• Holds a master’s or bachelor’s degree in Bible, theology, or ministry from a reputable college or seminary.
• Meets the qualifications for elder and will be evaluated and confirmed onto the elder team after year 1.
• Desire to be a part of a church planting church and willingness to explore his role in planting a second campus or church in the next 5 years (more details below).
• Passionate, driven, energetic, humble, gentle, teachable, flexible; a gatherer who invests in relationships; a leader who can build a team; a hard worker willing to jump in with practical needs; an organized planner who takes initiative; a Gospel-centered preacher who teaches the Word effectively.
• Based on an assessment of qualifications, he will receive a salary of $48,000-$53,000, plus ministry allowances (cell phone, meals, mileage) and a healthcare reimbursement account.
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Living Hope Church
Contact Name & Contact Info
(717) 235-6384
City, State
Shrewsbury, PA
Description of Organization
We are a growing church in Southern York County, Pennsylvania looking to expand our
pastoral team. This position will focus on investing in middle and high school students
and leading our community outreach efforts. The new associate pastor will also work
with the lead pastor, associate pastor of discipleship, and other elders on
congregational care and preaching. We are an active part of the Acts 29 Network and
planning to plant a church in our county in the next five years.