MAIN DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: - Experience of working in partnership with service users, carers and other agencies. - To participate and support the assessment process such as information gathering and history taking, with direct guidance, support and supervision from the Specialist nurse/ clinical practitioner - To assist in the formulation and delivery of routine care plans involving the psychological treatment and/or management of client problems, under the direct supervision of a qualified professional. - To partake in the coordination and running of therapeutic groups where possible. - To form and maintain relationships with Psychology colleagues, multidisciplinary staff within CPG community services and Navigo's Mental Health services. - To assist, under the direct supervision of a qualified professional psychologist, in the development of a psychologically base - Will be skilled in all aspects of clinical communication including the maintenance of accurate records - Will be able to demonstrate excellent prioritisation and workload - Will have evidence of continuous personal and professional development and be actively involved in case discussions, Referral Allocation Meetings, Multidisciplinary team meetings, clinical supervision and clinical audits within the team. - Participate in administration and interpretation of specific assessment tools with assessment and communicate the results to the Multidisciplinary Team. -Explores and analyses evidence as part of the Multidisciplinary Team, cases and situations in clinical practice, enabling a high level of judgement and decision making with the support and supervision from the Specialist nurse/ Clinical practitioner/ Psychologist. - Having a good understanding on assessing and managing risk Demonstrates a good understanding of Safeguarding - Demonstrates ethical decision making as part of a Multidisciplinary Team - Contribute to therapeutic interventions to improve service user outcomes - Utilizes a high level of communication skill - Actively involves service users and carers in providing feedback of their experience - Has a high level of awareness of own values and beliefs and how this impacts on practice objectivity - Promotes and influences others to incorporate person centred/values based care into practice - Works in a positive and constructive way with difference and diversity, incorporating the values, views and understanding of individual service users and carers at the centre of everything we do to deliver care that we would be happy for our family and friends to receive in line with Navigo operational philosophy - Identify when to refer to relevant team for non-neurodiverse primary problems identified in a timely manner.