Skill Set:
* Architecture definition
* Leadership skills
* Development of software architectures in JEE environments
* Microservices (Spring Boot) and cloud (Spring Cloud, OpenShift)
* Docker and Kubernetes
* Continuous Integration (Maven, Git, Jenkins, Sonar)
* SQL and NoSQL databases
* MQ messaging tools (JMS, RabbitMQ, Kafka)
* Experience in Scrum methodology
Job Description:
Technical Architect with extensive Java experience (v8+) and at least 8 years of experience in unit and integration testing (JUnit, Mockito).
* Architecture definition
* Leadership skills
* Development of software architectures in JEE environments
* Spring Technology Stack (MVC, Core, Security, Data)
* Microservices (Spring Boot) and cloud (Spring Cloud, OpenShift)
* Docker and Kubernetes
* Continuous Integration (Maven, Git, Jenkins, Sonar)
* SQL and NoSQL databases
* MQ messaging tools (JMS, RabbitMQ, Kafka)
* Security (JWT, OAuth)
* REST services
* Swagger
* Experience in Scrum methodology
* Fluency in both English and Spanish for communication with partners and development teams.
* API Manager (e.g., WSO2)
* Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK)
* AWS and Azure