The post holder will work as a trainee under close case management supervision from an HCPC registered applied psychologist or BABCP accredited cognitive behavioural therapist to provide specified psychologically-informed wellbeing-focused interventions, with a level of autonomy matched to level of demonstrated competence and stage of training. The role of the trainee Mental Health Wellbeing Practitioner is to attend all elements of the training programme of study and progress successfully through assessments of competence and attainment develop and practice psychologically-informed interventions under supervision, working directly with adults in the community support collaborative care planning, alongside other members of the multi-disciplinary team work closely alongside a team of mental health professionals to deliver a set of brief wellbeing-focused psychologically informed interventions : Behavioural Activation and Graded Exposure using the GOALS programme Problem-solving Improving sleep Recognising and managing emotions Guided self-help for bulimia and binge-eating Confidence building Support with medicines management Role requirements assessed as part of shortlisting Qualifications (2) A Bachelors degree at 2:2 in any subject Or evidence of ability to study successfully at academic Level 5 Skills: Able to establish and maintain empathic, supportive relationships with people in significant distress or who are cognitively impaired, their families and carers Able to receive, understand and communicate confidential client information of a sensitive and often complex nature, including discussing care with family members within boundaries of confidentiality. Able to make good use of clinical supervision in a group and/or individual format Analytical Judgements: Able to assist in assessment and observation activities related to individuals health and wellbeing, arriving at judgments about how to respond within the care plan Able to contribute to risk assessment drawing on complex and multiple sources of information, under clinical supervision Planning & Organisational skills: Able to assist in planning and delivering psychologically-informed interventions to meet peoples health and wellbeing needs Able to plan and deliver interventions with a variety of service users presenting with mental health difficulties, their families and carers and the clinical team, on a daily basis. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for further detailed information to ensure that you meet the role criteria before applying.