The post holder will develop, coordinate, and facilitate access to a broad range of health services in order to ensure Looked After Children, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum seeking childrens needs are met; working towards positive outcomes for this vulnerable group. The post holder will lead on the delivery and co-ordination of review health assessments for children and young people across West Sussex and beyond the boundaries of the county, liaising with partner agencies and organisations. The post holder will contribute to the delivery, co-ordination and evaluation of training to staff and carers on health issues specific to children and young people in care ensuring a competent and fit for purpose workforce. With the support of the Named Nurse and Doctor for Looked After Children, the post holder will be a point of contact for health, social care provider services, police and families to answer health queries specific to Looked After Children; supporting the interface between key stakeholders. Please see attached containing the detailed job description and main responsibilities for this vacancy.