3months contract with a LocalAuthority
* Weredetermined to make Islington fairer. To create a place whereeveryone whatever their background can reach their potential andenjoy a good quality oflife.
* Wealso have an ambitious goal to be the best council inthe country with every employeeclear about the part they play and inspired focused and supportedto give their verybest.
* Wewant to build an organisation where employees feel valued inspiredand empowered to help us achieve our goals and provide the bestservices possible to ourresidents.
* Be Islington is about setting a clear challenge about what it meansto be an Islington employee and sets the standard for everyrecruit.
* Weask our employees to Be Islington playing their part in workingtogether for a fairer borough and to always be collaborative beambitious be resourceful and be empowering ( CARE).
* We arecommitted to tackling inequality racism and injustice and creatinga fairer borough for all. To do this we need to set the example bybeing a fair employer and creating a workplace environment which isfree from discrimination racism and inequality. Our approach needsto be proactive consistently learning to create a fairer workplaceand foster a culture which empowers all staff to challengeinequality.
* Todesign and deliver courses in the appropriate subject area whichengage disadvantaged and vulnerableIslington residents through using effective assessmenttools innovative course and lesson planning productionof resources and appropriate teachingtechniques.
* Tofully complete and submit to deadlines accurate administrativepaperwork related to the organisation ofteaching including enrolment forms registers completionand achievement data course folders courseevaluations and other course and statisticalinformation asrequired.
* Towork with learners to promote regular attendance punctuality andprogression to further learning andemployment including following up on absences whereappropriate.
* Toteach your subject specialism on accredited and nonaccreditedprogrammes in neighbourhood learningcentres libraries schools children s centres smallvoluntary sectororganisations or varioussites inthe communityasagreed.
* Toincorporate Digital Skillsand Employabilitywhen designingand deliveringcourses in your subjectarea.
* Toengage LBI residents through using embedding andcontextualising effective assessment tools innovativecourse and lesson planningproduction ofresources andappropriateteachingtechniques.
* Tosupport the Team Leaders and Curriculum Managers to develop yoursubject area(s) to contribute to a curriculum that meets the needsof LBI residents and enables them to progress ontofurther education/training oremployment.
* Tocontribute tocourse areaand curriculumreviews toidentify areasfor improvementincludingretentioncompletion andachievementrates.
* Tocontribute to quality improvement processes activelyandinitiatives.
* Toattend professional development as identified through theObservation of Teaching and Learningprocess and theappraisalprocess.
* Toundertake otherduties commensurateto thegrade ofthepost.
* Touse andassist othersin theuse ofinformationtechnologysystems tocarry out most efficient andeffectivemanner.
* Toachieve agreed service outcomes and outputs and personal appraisaltargets as agreed by the linemanager.
* Toundertake training and constructively take part in meetingssupervision seminars and other eventsdesigned to improve communication and assist with theeffective developmentof the post and postholder.
* Thepost holder is expected to be committed to the Council s corevalues of public servicequality equalityand empowermentand todemonstrate thiscommitment inthe way theycarry out theirduties.
* Ensureall the services within the area(s) of responsibility are providedin accordancewith theCouncilscommitment tohigh qualityservice provisiontousers.
* Carryout duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Council sHealth and SafetyPolicySafeguardingPrevent andrelevant Healthand Safetylegislation.
* Alwayscarrying outresponsibilities/dutieswithin theframework ofthe Council s forall Policy.(Equal OpportunitiesPolicy).
* Ensureresources are well managed and effectively deployed to the bestpossible effects assuring value for money in allactivities.
* Ensurelegal regulatory and policy compliance under GDPR Health and Safetyand in area of your specialism identifying opportunities and risksand escalating whereappropriate.
* Substantialadult teachingexperience incommunity orFE collegesettings.
* Substantialexperience ofworking withhard toreach andvulnerable adultlearners inthe community and theirfamilies
* Arange of experiences teaching the subject area (accredited and/ornonaccredited) tolearners incommunitysettings.
* Provenexperience ofworking inpartnership withvoluntary andcommunityorganisations.
* Abilityto design and deliver effective courses at a range oflevels to adults who have various barriers tolearning.
* Abilityto accurately assess the abilities and needs of adult learners andincorporate this into course planning lesson planning anddelivery.
* Abilityto produce course materials that are appropriately contextualisedand respond to the needs of yourlearners.
* Abilityto work effectively in your subject area with adult learners withlanguage literacy and numeracyneeds.
* Commitmentto promoting and enabling learners progression to furtherlearning.
* Thisrole will require you to obtain an Enhanced satisfactory clearancefrom the Disclosure and BarringService.
* Abilityto work on your own initiative and peripatetic ally across theborough.
* Abilityto work as a member of ateam.
* Abilityto deliver high quality learning programmes to the requirements ofOfsteds Education InspectionFramework.
* Excellentcommunication organisational and time managementskills.
* Commitmentto own continuing professionaldevelopment.
* Level3 teaching qualification such as PTLLS or AET is acceptable whenpresented with relevant teaching and industryexperience.
Substantial adult teaching experience in community or FE collegesettings. Substantial experience of working with hard to reach andvulnerable adult learners in the community and their families Arange of experiences teaching the subject area (accredited and/ornon-accredited) to learners in community settings. Provenexperience of working in partnership with voluntary and communityorganisations. Ability to design and deliver effective courses at arange of levels to adults who have various barriers to learning.Ability to accurately assess the abilities and needs of adultlearners and incorporate this into course planning, lessonplanning, and delivery. Ability to produce course materials thatare appropriately contextualised and respond to the needs of yourlearners. Ability to work effectively in your subject area withadult learners with language, literacy and numeracy needs.Commitment to promoting and enabling learners progression tofurther learning. This role will require you to obtain an Enhancedsatisfactory clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service.Ability to work on your own initiative and peripatetically acrossthe borough. Ability to work as a member of a team. Ability todeliver high quality learning programmes to the requirements ofOfsted's Education Inspection Framework. Excellent communication,organisational and time management skills. Commitment to owncontinuing professionaldevelopment.
Level 3 teaching qualification such as PTLLS or AET is acceptablewhen presented with relevant teaching and industryexperience.