Full-time Description The Liaison Support will support the Joint Training, Exercise, and Evaluation Program (JTEEP) support for the U.S. Air Force (AF). Suffolk, VA or telework/remote in accordance with the Department of Air Force (DAF) policy. Must have access to and able to maintain Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) access. Travel may be required. This position is contingent on contract award. Duties and Responsibilities: Support HQ USAF interests to the JS J-7, including the Deputy Director Program Management Activity (DD PMA), Service Joint Training Division (SJTD), and Enterprise Operations Division (EOD) offices of the JS J-7. Coordinate with MAJCOMs, Air Force-sponsored accredited programs and certified sites, JS J-7, and other JNTC stakeholder Service liaisons, to maintain HQ USAF awareness of other JNTC program stakeholder issues, concerns, and equities. As authorized, coordinates with those organizations to socialize USAF issues, concerns, equities and to explore potentially mutually beneficial courses of action. Coordinate with other stakeholder echelons and organizations as directed. Attend meetings, briefings, and conferences concerning JTEEP and JNTC at the JS J-7 facility in Suffolk, VA, and provide updates to HQ USAF. Other meetings requiring attendance will require the Contractor to frequently travel within CONUS, and infrequently travel OCONUS, at the Government’s discretion. Provide USAF training Subject Matter Expert (SME) assistance to the JNTC Joint Accreditation and Certification (A&C) process of USAF training programs. Assist with the implementation of the JNTC Training Venues and “Joint Context” CONOPS to accredit and certify joint training events and participating training sites according to predefined joint training and interoperability criterion. Utilize JIRA & Confluence databases for management of Mitigation Issues Support annual fiscal year JTEEP Program Execution Plan (PEP) development. Coordinates USAF JNTC inputs, analyzes for joint context, recommends inclusion of inputs to HQ USAF, and reviews other stakeholders’ inputs into the PEP throughout the JS J-7 coordination process. Participate in Joint Investment Database (JIDB) improvement events and maintains/oversees Air Force PEP Program Budget Request (PBR) submissions to the JIDB. Provide common Joint Systems interoperability support. Assists with management support integrating Air Force programs with other Service and Joint programs integrating: Command and Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR); Range Instrumentation and After Action Feedback; Opposing Force Technologies; Modeling and Simulation; Live-Virtual-Constructive implementation; Cross Domain Information Sharing; Knowledge Management; and Emerging Warfare Concepts and Development into a cohesive integrated training capability. Review JTEEP technical directions, decisions and technical elements of proposed projects and actions for validity and impact to Joint and Service training capabilities and develop and direct recommended USAF responses. Assist HQ USAF in providing Air Force inputs to the annual calling message to schedule periodic re-accreditations and re-certifications. As required, coordinates with the JS J-7 Service Joint Training Division (SJTD), Air Force and National Guard desk officers, and Air Force-sponsored programs and sites to refine specific dates for SJTD accreditation/certification team visits. Provide additional support, for HQ USAF interests, to the JS J-7 SJTD. This includes providing HQ USAF-approved inputs to SJTD responses to Congressional and higher headquarters inquiries; participating in SJTD program issue mitigation in-process reviews; and supporting SJTD program accreditations by functioning as an Air Force representative and/or as an SJTD team SME for one or more elements of joint context. The latter function includes reviewing program self-assessments, establishing an ongoing dialogue with program counterparts, leading discussions to identify specific shortfalls and their impacts on the program’s ability to train on joint tasks, writing issue sheets for accreditation reports and coordinating their refinement with program counterparts. Support the annual JNTC PBR process. This includes participating in discussions regarding PBRs proposed by MAJCOMs and Air Force-sponsored accredited programs and certified sites during the annual USAF winter JNTC workshop; review, critique, and suggest improvements to submitted PBRs; scoring Air Force, other Service, and SOCOM PBRs; hosting and participating in the annual Air Force JNTC PBR rack and stack working group; briefing technical PBRs during JS J-7-led technical reviews; socializing potential benefits to other stakeholder programs and/or the JNTC enterprise of capabilities which would be funded by Air Force adaptive PBRs; supporting the Air Force member of the JNTC Corporate Board before and during annual Corporate Board PBR Assessment Review. Support HQ USAF participation before, during, and after JS J-7 meetings, such as the quarterly JNTC Corporate Boards and annual JTEEP POM Panel. Support the JNTC PBR Unfunded Requirements (UFR) process, to include assisting USAF stakeholders in writing UFRs, as well as scoring other Service/SOCOM JTEEP enterprise stakeholder UFRs. Document participation/support provided in a monthly status report. Knowledge Skills and Abilities (KSA) Requirements Required Education and experience: Minimum of five (5) years of demonstrated experience at the MAJCOM or above in interpreting or editing major policy and procedural guidance documentation for the Department of Defense while conducting and understanding complex analysis and studies to support directors of staff and senior leadership. Minimum of ten to fifteen (10-15) years of tactical and operational level experience in major AF weapon systems while supporting military operations. Detailed knowledge of the complex C2, maneuver, targeting, fires, and aerial sustainment interactions among Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine, and SOF forces needed to execute joint tasks. This includes detailed knowledge of HHQ processes and procedures for providing guidance required by tactical C2 nodes and forces to achieve unity of effort. Knowledge of general Government accounting/financial/budgetary practices. Knowledge of Tactical/Operational Training concepts. Knowledge of the JTEEP program is highly desired. Possess a current or final Top Secret/SCI security clearance. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.