HOURS:35 hours per week
LOCATION:Institute of Hospitality, The Counting House, 14 Palmerston Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4QL
RESPONSIBLE TO:Chief Executive
The role of Head of Professional Development will provide direction, creation and delivery of professional development programs. It will also drive commercial business development through the promoting of the Institutes suite of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) products and services. The post-holder will be a key member of the Institutes Management team.
We have important commercial relationships with the following and ensuring that we maximise the commercial potential of these relationships and create opportunities to extend our activities is a key responsibility of the role.
Businesses who use our resources within their management development programmes
* Universities and students through our Academic and educational Partnerships
To be responsible for the elements of the business, budget and business plan that relate to professional development including:
Program delivery:
1. Oversee the delivery of programs, including conferences, courses, and online events
2. Attend, as necessary, significant/ large scale/ new professional development events as required, providing leadership on the ground as well as being the public face of the Inst...