We are currently seeking an Environmental Project Officer, working 37 hours a week, to deliver our environmental projects and lead a team of dedicated volunteers.
The person we are looking for will be committed to supporting the communities and wildlife in our operational area.
With a proven background in countryside and land management, the right candidate will require a broad range of skills to deliver projects as diverse as habitat and access management, training, events, and environmental education.
You will have the ability to work with volunteers and stakeholders to meet a range of required outcomes, utilising your excellent knowledge and previous experience of countryside and environmental projects.
Salary: £27,685 – £30,363
Job vacancy - Environmental Project Officer – Steel Valley Project
1. Assist the General Manager to identify and plan the programme for access and environmental improvement works, involving appropriate implementation agencies for its delivery.
2. Manage agreed budgets with support from the General Manager & Business Support Officer and produce job quotes in liaison with partners & landowners.
3. Research and apply for small funding grants with support from the General Manager & Business Support Officer, to facilitate SVP projects.
4. Implement the development of trails, countryside access projects and other environmental improvement works including greenspace and habitat management through the support of volunteers, trainees, community groups, partners & landowners.
5. Recruit and manage teams of volunteers, giving them support & supervision, working with the General Manager to develop a programme of training for volunteers, trainees, and community groups.
6. Deliver work in accordance with office systems and develop volunteer systems with support from the General Manager.
7. Develop & deliver SVP procedures, working with external agencies to comply with legal obligations and ongoing changes in best practice, including: DBS, environmental permits, COSHH, PUWER, Health & Safety, and GDPR.
8. Work with other members of the SVP staff team to collaborate on projects, run events, maintain normal delivery of services, and cover absences.
9. Procure and maintain tools & equipment, ensuring health & safety, security, and monitoring procedures are adhered to.
10. Provide material for interpretation, briefings, publications, website, social media, and press releases, and represent SVP when communicating with partners, community groups, and funders.
11. Plan and deliver community events in collaboration with other staff and community groups.
12. Plan and deliver interpretative and educational activities as agreed with the General Manager.
13. Collate annual statistical monitoring data as required by partners and funders and keep up-to-date information on success stories & case studies for projects delivered by SVP.
14. Provide administrative assistance to other team members as required.
15. Any other duties and responsibilities as may arise.
Qualifications & Experience
1. Qualification in countryside management/ environmental conservation or related subject.
2. A minimum of two years’ experience working in the countryside management/ environmental conservation sector.
3. Knowledge and experience of detailing, costing, and delivering a broad range of countryside management projects, such as the construction and maintenance of footpaths, boundaries, countryside furniture, and related countryside access works, as well as habitat management skills.
4. A good knowledge of natural history and ecology.
5. A good knowledge of legislation and policy relating to nature conservation and the environment.
6. A good knowledge of tool maintenance.
7. Qualified in chainsaw use.
8. Qualified in strimmers/ brushcutters.
9. Experience of working with volunteers from a range of backgrounds.
10. Experience of managing volunteers.
11. A knowledge of health and safety regulations and legislation.
12. Experience of carrying out risk assessments.
13. Qualified in first aid at work or willing to undertake training.
14. Knowledge of budgets, finances, projects, and contracts.
15. Aware of funding opportunities for public access and site management.