Responsibility for People Management
To teach, train and line manage junior staff, support workers, assistants, and students. This will include the use of formal appraisal documentation. To monitor the clinical effectiveness of the team to ensure delivery of a service appropriate to their grade and within own specialism. To lead in the recruitment of relevant grades of staff, as required, ensuring all new staff receive a comprehensive induction programme.
To take a flexible approach to supporting colleagues in times of caseload pressure, including working with colleagues to maintain clinical cover across the team within the resources available. Be responsible for ensuring that a variety of learning opportunities are available to assist in the development of team members including clinical supervision, significant event audits and one to one feedback. Ensure all mandatory training is undertaken and recorded. Pro-actively manage sickness and unauthorised absence in line with Livewell Southwest policy and report trends in sickness absence to the Matron.
Ensure all staff receive annual appraisals.
Responsibility for financial and/or physical resources
The post holder will use Livewell Southwest resources responsibly. Work with the Management team to maintain and review as appropriate the delegated pay and non-pay budget for the ward. Act as authorised signatory for the ward budget. Adhere to the relevant trust policies on financial issues.
Responsibility for administration
To ensure own competency in record keeping and other members of the MDT.
To maintain an up-to-date record of all patient contacts, MDT care plans, goals, assessments and reports whilst ensuring confidentiality at all times in line with professional and organisational guidelines. To participate/take the lead in the triage and management of referrals to the service utilising the service criteria, including assessment of patients prior to admission in conjunction with the Rehabilitation Consultant and NHSE Complex Case Manager. To report and provide feedback/learning to junior staff on accidents, incidents or complaints following LSW procedures and policies and to comply with the most recent Health and Safety at Work Act. To actively lead department working parties on specific delegated projects.
To attend and contribute to relevant team/service meetings. To lead meetings in the absence of the Neuro Rehab Matron. To access email and other information through Livewell Southwest intranet.
Responsibility for people who use our services
Be professionally, legally responsible and accountable for all aspects of own work including caseload management and direct clinical care. Carry out highly specialist nursing clinical interventions including comprehensive assessments using investigative and analytical skills, of patients with a complex presentation for adults with neurological rehabilitation needs (including ABI, stroke and spinal conditions) in the regional neuro rehabilitation ward setting.
Provide highly specialist advice via written or verbal instruction to patients, carers and relatives to promote understanding of the aims of rehabilitation, and to ensure a consistent approach to patient care. To act as a source of expert advice and support within Livewell Southwest, supporting/advising colleagues as required, as well as promoting best practice according to the evidence base. Have working knowledge of clinical guidelines specific to neuro rehabilitation and translate these into clinical practice. For example, NICE, NSF, BSRM. To assess mental capacity, gain valid informed consent, which must be documented and have the ability to work within a legal framework with patients who lack capacity to consent to treatment.
To comply with local confidentiality policies, child protection and vulnerable adult procedures. Comply with Livewell Southwest Infection Control Policies and conduct self in such a manner as to minimise the risk of healthcare associated infection, demonstrating/modelling appropriate behaviours and techniques to all colleagues. Be able to respond effectively to any concerns of abuse/safeguarding and support junior staff to know the procedures they need to follow to escalate their concerns.
Responsibility for implementation of policy and/or service developments
To work with the leadership team in developing the strategic and operational direction of the nursing and multi-disciplinary team. Lead and manage effective risk management processes for the clinical area.
To work collaboratively with the MDT to evaluate activity, outcomes and effectiveness and to propose changes where appropriate to ensure high standards of service delivery. To monitor standards of professional practice within the department and set up appropriate mechanisms to assure a quality service, in conjunction with the leadership team. To be an active member of in-service training schedules by attending, organising and delivering presentations/practical training sessions, as required. This can include practical clinical sessions with staff and consenting patients.
To follow and implement local and national policies with elements of independent professional judgement and make recommendations for change for own specialism through the clinical governance process.
Other Responsibilities
To maintain registration with the NMC. To continue to develop highly specialist professional expertise and clinical skills by working with other highly specialist colleagues, attending Clinical Excellence Networks, specialist courses, self-directed study and maintaining personal CPD portfolio. To participate in the Organisations Annual Appraisal Process and to act as an appraiser of junior staff. To be responsible for maintaining equipment records and the safe use and security of clinical equipment.
To be actively involved in the collection of appropriate data and statistics in line with local and organisation policies and procedures. Work collaboratively with the MDT Team Leads to participate in and initiate research and clinical audit, undertaking research with the rehabilitation caseload and contribute to others research by providing data. The post holder will be aware of and work within their own limits, and competencies. To actively engage in practice supervision. To demonstrate a sound understanding of Clinical Governance, Risk Management and Lone Working policy and apply to work situation.
To exercise good time management, punctuality and consistent reliable attendance and conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with Livewell southwest policies. To exhibit a committed attitude to all aspects of work. Be conversant with and comply with all relevant organisational protocols and policies and have valid organisational IT access. Compassionate, caring and kind in their practice. Undertake other duties when requested by professional or operational managers.
Communications & relationships
Proactively seek feedback from patients and their families during their hospital admission on the standard of care they have received via the Friends and Family Test. Be responsible for using an appropriate and varied approach for resolving complaints and issues at a local level in partnership with patients, carers, their family and other health care professionals. Ensure processes are in place to facilitate effective communication with all disciplines, patients and relatives. Use an extensive range of verbal and non-verbal communication tools to communicate effectively with patients/carers; to motivate and gain co-operation to progress rehabilitation and treatment programmes.
This will include patients who may have difficulties in understanding or communicating, e.g., patients may be aphasic, low in mood, hearing and/or visually impaired or who may be unable to accept diagnosis, or unrealistic expectations of intervention. To be able to use the written or spoken word effectively and appropriately, via face-to-face, email, telephone, letter, presentation. Communication may be 1:1, or in groups. Patients may have complex communication disorders which require skilled support. To communicate effectively and work collaboratively with Social, Health and other agency colleagues, at all levels to ensure delivery of a co-coordinated multidisciplinary service.
This may include case conferences, patient reviews and discharge planning. To maintain a calm, professional approach to their duties. To act as an ambassador for Livewell with external agencies and partner organisations. Always address staff, patients and members of the public in a polite and respectful manner either in person or on the telephone.
Physical demands of the job
Requires manual dexterity to perform clinical tasks such as venepuncture and cannulation. Ability to move swiftly around the clinical area to respond to urgent care needs.
Moderate to intense physical effort on a daily basis. Tasks include: Static postures (kneeling/standing), Moving/positioning inert adult limbs, unconscious/semi-conscious patients and altered tone, Supporting patients whilst walking, Assisting patients during transfers, Pushing wheelchairs, Using hoists and other heavy gym equipment daily, often in a confined space in the patients home on difficult floor surfaces e.g. carpet. The job may involve exposure and contact to highly unpleasant working condition such as secondary smoking, bodily fluids, including sputum, vomit, blood, urine and faeces, soiled linen, fleas, lice, scabies poor hygiene standards and communicable diseases.
Possibility of exposure to verbal and physical aggression and dangerous pets. Food handling. Use of VDU.