To support the Group Corporate Governance Team in ensuring that the Board of Directors and all meetings identified in the Group Governance and Assurance Framework are properly constituted with clear terms of reference and conduct their affairs in accordance with the Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions and the Scheme of Delegation of each Trust within the Group. To support arrangements for the Annual Members Meeting, working in conjunction with the Group Corporate Governance Team. The role will specifically lead on governance for the Liverpool Adult Acute and Specialist Services (LAASP) Programme which includes (but is not exhaustive): LAASP Joint Committee,LAASP Portfolio Board,LAASP CEO Design Authority,LAASP Clinical Reference Group,Supporting Programme Groups To work within the Standing Orders and Schedule of Matters reserved for Board. Maintain an awareness of the changing regulatory environment affecting the corporate governance of NHS Foundation Trusts, and their relevant codes and statutes. Ensure that prospective changes to governance models are identified and proposals for accommodating developed. Support Non-Executive Directors of the Board of Directors, including (but not exhaustive) appraisal process, Fit and Proper Person processes and Recruitment Campaigns are implemented and adhered to in line with Trust(s) and national requirements. To work with the CCAO and ADCG to coordinate documentation and preparation for the Well-led review and any other external review of the Trust's governance arrangements For a full list of duties, please refer to the attached job description