Company: William College
Position: Lecturer in Law
Location: ON-SITE, Luton, UK
Salary: £35,000 - £55,000 (Based on experience and qualifications)
Employment Type: Full Time (Monday-Friday) or Part-Time (3 days a week)
Requirement: Full right to work in the UK
About U
William College is a vibrant institution located in the heart of London, dedicated to providing an inclusive and transformative educational experience. We foster a supportive environment where students grow both personally and academically, equipping them to make positive contributions to society. Through strong partnerships with UK universities, we offer pathways to academic and professional success, helping students reach their full potential. At William College, we believe education is the foundation for lifelong growth and social impa
Job Responsibili
* ties:
Provide high-quality teaching and learning across a range of programmes within a Higher Education setting, particularly Foundation year in Business Management and Law and the Bachelor o
* f Law.Tutor students, offering appropriate support to enable them to achieve their goals and progress to positive destina
* tions.Contribute to the development and continual improvement of courses, coordinating effectively with both staff and stu
* dents.Contribute to the production of module/unit-specific Scheme of
* Work.Develop module materials for each of the modules being under
* taken.Provide/Deliver/Facilitate subject-specific sessions in line with the Learning Outcomes and syllabuses of mo
* dules.Deploy assessments appropriately as set out by the assessment
* team.Set out measures to understand the learning needs of students on their mo
* dules.Support students with timely formative feedback to the extent prescribed by each of the programme specifica
* tions.Mark and provide summative feedback within the prescribed deadline published by the Assessment
* Team.Ensure that all expectations of the Programme Specification of respective Awarding Bodies and Universities under which modules are being t
* aught.Produce appropriate module/unit re
* ports.Ability to communicate clearly and appropriately with students from diverse backgr
* ounds.Contribute to the School’s Research Depar
Competencies and Expertise: The successful applicant must demonstrate competence and experience in the subjects of statistics, ICT, accounting, finance, law, and ec
Essential Re
* quirements:
Master's degree and/or a PhD in the re
* levant area.Teaching qualifications: PGCHE, MA in HE Practice, o
* r FHEA, etc.Previous lecturing experience for similar courses a
* t HEI level.Work in line with Blackboard / VLEs, MS T
eams / Zoom.
* e Requirements:
Experience working in the industry
of your s
* ubject.
Annual leave (5.6 week
* s) + bank holidays.Workpl
* ace pension scheme.C
* ompany Sick Policy.Statutory matern
* ity/paternity pays.Career develo
* pment opportunitiesTraining and self-develop
* ment opportunities.Gym m
* embership discountsReta
* il discount sche
* mesCinema discoun
* tsGrocery dis
* countsCycle to workInvesting and sa
* vings opportunitiesFinancial wellbeing – pe
* rsonal debt advise.Financial
* wellbeing educationMy Mind P
al (mental fitness)